Angel the angel is brilliant in every way

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Me and my nyo, 2p!nyo and 2p: *laying on the couch watching a movie with our respective Belarus*
~a letter floats down from the ceiling~
2p!Me: Maria, we have a letter from Angel.
Me: OOH! GIMME GIMME GIMME! *takes letter and rips it open* It says;
Alaska~ who won the date between you and Canada? I think that's about ask
Alaska: *growls* Canada did...
2P! Alaska: *snickers and flicks Alaska upside the head*
All states and their opposites: *giant brawl*
Admin: Great....
Me: Well, if that's all, then-
~giant rock hits me on the head~
Oliver(2p England): Swear jar~!
Me: *tosses in two quarters*
I just remembered something else America! Make out with Iggy!!!!!!!!
Me: Well boys?
America: *kisses Arthur*
Allen(2p America): I want to as well! *kisses Oliver*
Amelia(nyo!America): Don't leave me hanging! *smooches Alice*
Allison(2p nyo!America): Well if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! *makes out with Olivia*
Everyone: *making out with their partners*
Admin: Alright. Looks like it's up to me to send you guys out. See ya, and don't forget to Add, Vote, and Comment! Bye.

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