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"HEY LOOK EVERYONE!! WE HAVE A LETTER!!" America yelled. "AMERICA!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TEL YOU TO NOT YELL IN MY HOUSE?!?!" Middle Italy screeched back, grabbing the letter that poofed into exsistence. "This one is for Prussia, from QueenDooter. It says: I have a question for Prussia! How were you able to see Canada? And do you ever get jealous of Kumajirou?"


Middle Italy snickered and said, "When ISN'T he jealous is the better question..." Prussia glared at her and said to the girl that asked the question, "I've always noticed Birdie, even when his own family didn't but I noticed him a lot more when he became a country. And NO I do NOT get jealous of that bear...much." Canada smiled and pecked Prussia on the cheek while Middle Italy snapped pictures. "Just one question," America's voice said. "WHAT?" Middle Italy growled out. "Who's Canada?" "THAT'S IT!" Canada had to jump to hold Middle Italy back (who was cursing in Italian and Spanish), so England wrapped it up by saying, "Thanks for the question luv! Keep asking questions and tell your friends!" Middle Italy popped up with a frying pan-that looked supsiouslyly looked a lot like Hungary's-and smiled at the unconsious America while saying to QueenDooter, "What Iggy said! Bye!"

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