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Congratulations, here it is!


"Dear Spot,

                Kitty told me not to kill you, and I'm honoring her last request. Well, kind of last, not really. I know you've been following me all the way up here, I wanted you to. I'm sorry to tell you that I killed Kitty and took over her body. She was in pain and I put her out of misery. You should thank me, I made it painless. Well, not really, but she died peacefully at least. 

                If you're wondering who I am, I can't really explain it. I'm the dark side that those scientists woke up. I'm more powerful, have strange mutations that help me heal, and I'm so much smarter than Kitty was. I can read, write, calculate, the whole package! With these powers and talents, I'm going to track down Eskaban. He got away right before I could kill him. I suspect he's going back to America, so I'll make my way there alone. Don't you dare try to follow me, I'll only add you to the pile of bodies. Make sure Wolf, Owl, Tardigrade, Bumbles, and Dove know. I'm sure Kitty wouldn't want me to kill them either, but I will. 

                Just so you know, after I'm one getting my revenge I'll go and try to fit in with all of the other humans. I'll lead a normal life, or at least try to. Maybe I'll become an assassin or a super soldier, I don't know. I'll leave everyone alone, though. I won't contact any of you ever again.

                Don't try to find me. 

                Don't try to get to me. 

                Just let me do what must be done.


                                                                                                     The New Kitty."


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