Ch. 5: The House that Doubt Built.

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I got up the next morning smiling at the light from my lamp. It seemed to be a good day and I was thankful to even be alive after the previous day.

"Ha, GAY!"

Oh yeah, you're here.

"Good morning beautiful." I got up and out of bed, trying to ignore the voice. "Aw come on, don't play me like that. I was just kidding! God, you take everything so seriously."  I got dressed and walked out of my room, I passed Dove in the hall, she bumped into me and looked at me, little resentment in her eyes. "Bitch, better keep walking. I'll take you down." I took a deep breath and kept walking. I got into the living room and I sat down. Owl was already sitting there, she was reading.

"I can't read." she stated and put the book down.

"You can't?" I asked.

"Can you?"


"Exactly. I've been trying to teach myself but all of these books seem to be too hard for me. I'm going to have to have Fox teach me. I've seen him read before. I'll definitely be a better help to you and everyone else once I've learned."

I nodded as Wolf walked into the room. He smiled at me and Owl. "Ladies." he said and sat next to me. I smiled back at him.

"Hey there pooky, gimme a smoochie!" I turned away.

Control yourself!

"Girl, I'm only trying to help you here."

I don't need your help for anything!

"Yeah, I know what you want. I am you, and I can not blame you at all. Look at those muscles, that tight shirt is doing him so much justice."

You're making me gawk stop it.

"What? Oh yeah we're modest, sorry."

"Do you need something, Kitty?" Wolf asked, meeting my gaze.

"What? Oh, nothing. I was just...thinking." I mumbled and stood, walking directly out of the room. I walked all the way back down the hall and into my room. I didn't want to ever leave it again, I wanted to sit in there for the rest of my life and probably die there.

There was a knock on my door. I looked up and guessed who it was, I sighed and got up. I was right. "Are you okay? You're acting a little strange." Wolf asked.

"I'm fine, sorry." I said and looked down at my feel.

"Kitty, look at me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Can I be alone please?" I closed the door and heard Wolf sigh. Footsteps came up the hall as I slid down my door.

"Is she okay?" Bumbles asked.

"She's fine, or so she keeps telling me..." Wolf answered.

Bumbles laughed a little, "You know Kitty, she's so modest she wont even bother to tell anyone her problems! If it gets bad she'll say something. Believe me, I'm a psychiatrist!"

"What? You're kidding."

"I am. But still believe me, she'll say something if she knows she needs help. Just give her some space, Wolfie."

She walked down the hall again, Wolf sighed again and walked his own way. I got up and walked back to my bed and laid there for a moment.

"Wow, way to screw yourself over."

You know what, just shut up. I'm about done with you.

"Oh, down Kitty. Ha, see what I did there? Anyway, I can't shut up. You woke me up, you have to deal with me one way or another."

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