Ch. 3: Who I Am Inside.

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Wolf pulled me behind a corner, panting like a mad man. "They're running in our direction." Wolf said.

"What do you mean they're purging?" I asked worriedly, looking from behind the corner. There were men in all black knocking over trash cans, shooting pedestrians, and kicking in doors. I looked at Wolf, horrified. "What are they doing?" I gasped.

"Hush, they'll hear you!" Wolf said angrily, he moved me a little bit more away from the edge. "They're getting closer. you need to kiss me."

I looked at him confused, "Excuse me?"

"Hurry, they're almost over here!"

"But why would I need to kiss you?"

"People feel uncomfortable looking at public displays of affection."

"That doesn't mean they wont shoot us!"

"Actually, they'll look away. I promise, I know what I'm doing. Hold on a moment."

Wolf leaned down and kissed me, my eyes widened and my muscles stiffened, I looked over and saw a man in black, he looked right at me, he stared and then moved on.

Wolf was right.

Unsure if I should kiss back or not, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he moved his hands to my hips, leaning in a little more. I decided to kiss back, to make it more convincing. Wolf, in feeling this, hugged me closer to him. I wasn't sure if we were just pretending anymore, but I didn't think I really cared.

Barracuda shot into my mind, I immediately pulled away. Wolf looked over and saw no one was in the street, "Come on, we need to go, now." he told me. I stared at him, "What?"

"You kissed me." I said, a little irritated.

"And you kissed back, what's the point?" he asked. I kept staring and he took my hand again, pulling me down the alleyway. "I know a fast way back to the portaloo, but you'll need to hurry up." he said, looking around both corners. He started to run again, I wasn't paying attention.

I was busy trying to figure out that odd feeling in my chest and the burning in my cheeks, I shouldn't have been feeling this, I should have been angry but I wasn't. It was hard to run because my knees felt like giving out, I wanted to fell onto the floor and drool. What was wrong with me? I was in love with Barracuda, I should have been sitting in my room in the bunker and feeling sorry for myself. No, I was out in the grey, emotionless, world kissing Wolf. There was so much wrong with it, but again, I didn't care.

"Stop!" a voice said behind us. Wolf looked behind me and pulled me up to him, letting me go.

"We need to split up." he said, looking across the street. I looked behind us and saw three men in black chasing us. "You go right, I go left." he said and sped away from me. I looked back at the men in black and ran right.

One man followed me, the other two chased after Wolf. I ran faster, looking behind me the man in black was gaining. "Leave me alone!" I yelled and took a sharp turn, almost losing my footing, and tried to run faster.

"Stop, in the name of Eskaban!" the man ordered.

"I don't like his name, go away!" I shouted back at him, taking another sharp corner and falling over. I scrambled up and looked behind me, he was getting closer. I turned a corner and he tackled me. "Get off!" I yelled. he rose his batton in the air and brought it down on me, it went up and came down once again. Again, again, again.

Something snapped.

Something I hadn't felt in a year. The unrelenting anger I had felt only a year ago had returned and made my muscles tighten and I looked at the man as he pumbled me with his batton. My hand caught his wrist and it snapped, he cried out and fell to his side. I sat up and looked over at him. I put my hand on his neck and pressed down, palm and claws. He screamed as blood seeped out of his neck and onto the cement, his neck snapped and I stood. He laid there, still and silent. I smiled to myself and got to work.

"Oh Christ, Kitty." Wolf stammered. I turned to him, something cold and sticky on my hands. I looked down at the puddle of blood I was sitting in, he was looking passed me. I followed his gaze to the man, he was hanging off of the brick wall, his head upside down on is neck. His arms and legs spread out, stomach ripped out and hanging. "May your life be hell" was written over him in his blood. "Oh Kitty, what did you do?" Wolf asked. I looked around realizing that I had no idea I had even done this. How could I have? This like something I'd seen in a horror movie.

"Kitty." Wolf said again. I jumped and looked at him. "No, no, its okay. Come on, get up, that's it. Alright let's go home now. We'll fix this, I promise." he said. He helped me up and we snuck through the alleys and back to the bunker.

When we got back to the bunker I realized what I had done, I felt no remorse, no pity for what I did. My legs gave out. "What happened?" Owl asked as Wolf set me on the couch.

"I need to speak with you privately." Wolf said as he looked at Fox and Dove. Owl looked at them as well as Wolf directed her into another room. Dove looked down at me, she glared for a moment and left as well.

Fox fiddled with his thumbs for a moment before joining me on the couch. "You seem to be having many problems." he stated.

"You seem to be right."I mumbled.

"What seemed to be the problem, friendly feline?"

"I don't think Wolf wants everyone to know."

"Right. You know, he's a tad off."

I didn't bother sitting up, I just looked at him. "What do you mean?" I asked as he sat up a little more.

"Well he's very secretive. I don't know why, we're the same...creature, to say in basic."

"He's just trying to protect us."

Fox laughed a little, "He thinks of you as his pack, yes?"

"I'd have to guess so, we've all been through a lot together." I mumbled and rolled onto my side. Fox scooted a little closer to me and turned my head towards him. 

"Tell me this story. I must know."

I told him the entire story, from when I was still a house cat to when we got to his bunker. I left out the part of me ripping out Barracuda's neck, I thought it'd jeopardize our opportunity to stay in his bunker. Fox sat and listened politely, nodded and smiling at parts. By the time I was done, I was sitting up, my arms wrapped around my knees and my chin resting between them. He had made his way to the other end of the couch by that time, we were facing each other and he seemed to be thinking. "'re the girl I saw on the telly?" he asked.

"One of them." I nodded.

He seemed to be thinking again, a smile appeared on his face. "Ah, so now I can say I know a celebrity." he chuckled.

"I guess so." I shrugged, a small smile appearing to my face as well. He stood as Wolf and Owl entered the room.

"I'm guessing it's time for me to leave you three alone?" Fox asked, Wolf nodded and Fox smiled again. "Rightio, I'm going to do something British." he stated and left the room.

Wolf waited until Fox was out of the room before he sat next to me and Owl in front of me. "Right..." Owl mumbled. "This is...going to be hard for you, Kitty."

Animal Instinct: Revengeance.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora