Ch. 9: Carnivore.

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I was sure Spot had found my note by now, I didn't bother putting a beanie over my oddly red colored ears. I sighed as everyone looked at me, scared and confused. I looked down at them with a small smirk. I walked into a clothing store, a young red haired woman was busy reading a magazine and didn't look up at me. I cocked my pistol so she'd jump and look at me, she looked horrified. I smiled, just what I wanted. I didn't really know what she was gaping at, my ears and tail, my gun, or the fact that I was covered in blood. "You don't happen to have a wet rag, do you?" I asked.

"I...I'll get you one...that's what you want...right?" she whimpered.

"Oh, thats just one of my few demands. Get me the rag first." I ordered.

I looked at myself in the mirror, smiling. My top was black with gold trim around the neck line in the front, it was sleeveless. The sides were pointed outwards and my skit was short, but not too short. The gloves went passed my elbows and went with the top. My boots went up to my knees and tied up. Kitty wouldn't have much cared for her clothes, but I think the clothes make the person seem And I thought this did just that, with a little added spice that I wanted. Kitty had a nice, scrawny body. Might as well show off what I have now.

I ordered the red haired girl to give me what money she and the cash register had. She complied immediately as I stuffed the money into my boots. I gave her a nice smile and blew her brains out. She would have called the guards, anyway. Was a pity, she was really young, but I didn't care that much. I walked out of the store and put my gun in my other boot, the ammo hanging on my hips in a belt. I punched a man as he hurried passed me and stole his phone, looking up a feed on Eskaban. He seemed to be going over to the pier, he was getting on a private boat to Maryland. I smiled and threw the phone back at the man and shot open the window of a taxi. I leaned down so the driver could seem me, I smiled sweetly. "I didn't knick you, did I?" I asked. He looked at me even more horrified, he shook his head. "Can you get out of the taxi for me, then?" he nodded and opened the door, I moved out of the way as he stood and smiled at me, seeing the rest of me. "You like, I see?" I smiled again. He nodded eagerly as I shot him. "Pig." I muttered to myself and sped down the road.

If I kept at this speed, I'd be able to find Eskaban's taxi and catch him, kill him, and then remain in Britain forever under a new alias, maybe one not as stupid as Kitty. Maybe Madam Levie Hopkins. Yeah, that sounds fancy. That'll be my name. Actually, Madam's are supposed to be rich. Hm, maybe I'll shank a rich lady and take all of her money...and her house! Ha, I'll be totally loaded. It's going to be so awesome.

Going back to the business at hand, I had to catch Eskaban. I turned on the radio, finding a station that followed Eskaban. "Sir Eskaban, Sir! Can you tell us why you're going back to Maryland?" a man asked.

"Get away from me, you filthy people! I won't tell you anything, never will! Get away, I'll stab you in your puny little nose! Get, get now!" Eskaban roared.

"Well there you have it, Eskaban is keeping his reasons to himself, as always. This is BBC News Radio, going back to Molly."

"Thanks, John. In other news, Komodo Towers has been ransacked-"

I turned off the radio, I was four minutes away from the pier. If I sped up, I'd be able to get there in one. I floored it, feeling a smile grow on my lips.

- Elsewhere -

"She's just...gone?" Wolf asked. I nodded, my head in my hands. "Alright, if Eskaban is going anywhere it's back to America, Kitty is right."

"She isn't Kitty." I snapped. Owl looked at me surprised, Dove flinched and stopped rubbing my back.

Fox put his hands up, "Alright there, Spot. No need to...get hostile..." he mumbled looking at Owl. She shook her head and he nodded. "We'll get her, I promise. We can help her."

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