Ch. 2: Home.

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My head felt like someone slapped me with the blunt end of a hammer. I sat up carefully, looking over I saw Wolf. He was fiddling with his fingers, hunched over with his elbows on his knees. He wore a black plaid button up shirt and a pair of old jeans. I was pretty sure those were the ones that Dave gave him, Dave's always been a giver. "Having fun?" I mumbled.

Wolf looked up his tail wagged a bit, a smile following close behind. "You're finally awake! You've been asleep for a couple of hours, are you feeling any better?" Wolf asked.

"I feel like I just got done partying in Vegas..." I mumbled.

"That'd make sense, they used a new drug on you. Owl was taking a look at it, she said it turned off your brain for a while. That'd explain the migraine, all you need is some Advil." Wolf said, I smiled and sat up, I wasn't dizzy anymore.

Fox entered the room and looked at Wolf like he was going to say something, his eyes flicked over to me and a smile appeared on his face, "Oh, you're awake! Welcome back to the land of the living, I thought you died!"

"That's optimistic." I flung my feet over the bed and stood, propping myself up on the bedpost.

"I thought so, also it's about time you took a look around here. It's an underground bunker, the top is disguised as a poratloo so no one will ever notice."

"Portaloo?" I mumbled


"What's a portaloo?"

"What, you don't have them in America?"

"I don't even know what that is?"

"I know you have them in America, I've seen them in westerns!"

"...Do you mean an outhouse?"

"A what?"


"Fine then," Fox turned and opened the door happily, "Come, your friends are very interesting!" Fox walked out of the room, I looked at Wolf and started to walk, my knees could finally work and let me move. I followed Fox out into the main room. Everything was metal, I had noticed. The walls, the floors, everything. There was a large dip in the middle of the main room, there were three red couches facing each other from opposite sides of the circle, in the middle was a wooden coffee table with a plethora of magazines on it. Bumbles and dove sat next to each other on the couch that was facing me, Tardigrade stood on the coffee table, and Spot was sitting on the couch that faced away from me.

Spot turned and looked at me, he stared for a moment then hopped over the couch and scurried over to me, tripping over himself on the way. He tackled me in a hug and squished me, "You woke up! I missed you, I thought you died! I was worried sick, never get shot again!" Spot babbled.

"Spot..." I gasped.

"We were waiting until you woke up but Fox thought we should let you go, I told him no just a couple more hours and he said he didn't want any dead people in the bunker!"

"Spot that's quite enough..." Fox mumbled.

"But I just knew you'd wake up! You never give up, never!"

"Spot calm down, I was only asleep for a couple of hours." I giggled, crawling out from under Spot.

"...You think you were asleep for a couple of hours?" Owl asked quietly from behind me, she was looking down at me sadly. "Unfortunately that is not the case..." Owl joined Dove and Bumbles on the couch, Spot and I followed and sat across from her.

Owl took a deep breath, "It has been approximately a month since you passed out on the floor in Fox's guest room. We've been feeding you manually by propping you up and opening your mouth and feeding you with a tube. It's been very stressful for everyone including Fox, and we are very thankful for him. We're just happy you're back." Owl smiled, it quickly faded. "You..." Owl cleared her throat, "Um, were mumbling in your sleep." Owl told me.

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