Ch. 10: Revengeance.

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I laughed.

I fell over.

Spot had tackled me and wrestled the needle from my fingers. "No!" I shouted. "No, don't!" I screeched as he plunged the needle into my neck and I passed out.

- Elsewhere -

I was in a black void, standing on nothing. I was home. I sighed, kicking at the mist. Well, I guess Kitty was back in charge of everything.

"I'm not." Kitty said. "The serum only sends you back."

"So," I laughed, "So he wanted us to battle it out in here? A game of wits, ey?"

"I guess so." Kitty folded her arms.

"Well," I took a step forward, "I bet a fiddle of gold against your soul that I'm better than you."

Kitty smirked, "A game of wits it is then." she said and took a step towards me, the blackness from the ground soaking up her legs.

"What is this..." I mumbled as black armor floated onto her. A hood, a mask onto her face. I could only see her purple eyes as she rushed me, a sword in her hand. I dodged her and kicked her in the kidney. Making a sword of my own from the fog. "You've learned some in your time here..." I smiled. "That just makes this more fun."

"I told you, you would never gain control. You thought I'd let you take over all of my brain?" Kitty snarled as she slashed at me, I blocked her and kicked her away. "You ony took enough to make it seem like you had it all. I've been here," she slashed again, knocking me off balance. "I've watched all you've done." she slapped at me with her sword. "I was disgusted." she kicked me in the face. I fell over. "I'm just happy that now I can put all of this to rest." she mumbled. I started to giggle, she stared at me confused. My giggle became a laugh, my laugh became a roar of hilarity, I lifted myself to my feet without moving anything but the air.

"Wow, you got powerful." I said, "But not as powerful as I expected." I laughed and with a swing of my hand I batted her away. "You think I'd ever let you beat me? Blasphemy!" I batted her again as she tried to get up. "I was only getting warmed up!" I said as I pulled at the darkness as well, bringing my regular attire, a long black dress with a slit to my hip. I pushed at her as my dress flowed in the imaginary wind, my hair with it.

" to seem beautiful..." Kitty mumbled.

"Seem? Honey, I am." I scoffed and batted her away again. She flew back, she flipped and caught herself, I grunted. "Well, you're better than I expected." I stated as I walked towards her, my heels clicking on the imaginary tile.

"So many wardrobe changes." Kitty said, gathering her strength. "Why?"

"As you said, I like to look my best for every occasion." I smiled, holding out my arms and bending one knee, "You have an exquisite figure, sweetie pie. Thanks for sharing it." I batted her but she didn't move. I did so again and her hair didn't move either. "Really, a barrier?" I sighed as a wall hit me, I was sent across her imagination as I braced for impact. I coughed as Kitty ran over at an impossible speed, she stopped before me.

"Had enough?" she asked triumphantly.

"Just barely." I smiled and spat fire at her, she shot back in astonishment. "I've been here longer than you, dumpling, I've drank from these waters and I've lived all lives possible. I can beat you ten, twenty thousand times over! While you lived your life, I trained. I trained for anything, even this." I growled and crushed her, she cried out in pain and I laughed, "You're so weak."

She turned and shot a bazooka at me from a larger bazooka. I was sent back a couple of feet, I sat up and looked at her utterly confused. She stood, the bazooka gone. She punched me in the face and pulled me up, looking me dead in the eye. "You may have lived in my mind longer, but I know how to use my imagination." She said, growing larger and now holding me in her titan hands.

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