Ch. 8: Already Over.

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- Elsewhere -

I followed behind what seemed to be Kitty. I knew she knew I was following her, it almost seemed like she wanted me to. I waited until she was walking down another hall to go into the room she had just exited. I ran to he door and stepped in something, I lifted my foot and saw blood. I took a moment to compose myself and gripped the door handle, I whimpered as I felt more blood on it. I took a deep breath and opened the door to see it everywhere. I held back my barf and walked into the room, immediately slipping into it. It got in my hair and in my mouth, I spat it out and sobbed a bit as I stood up. I then composed myself once more, remembering when Kitty told me that big boys don't cry, especially the ones that look eighteen years old. I walked carefully around bodies as I took the file that was open on the table. It was Kitty's, the doctor that worked on us must have been transferred to Britain after Komodo took over for protection. Why did Eskaban need him here if he specialized in exactly what he was trying to exterminate?

I heard a sound and I skidded behind the cabinets, file in hand. I heard someone skid a little but not fall, I then heard them grumble to themselves about the blood and then move out of the room. I peaked around the corner like Wolf taught me and then run from the room towards the elevators. I saw large bloody footprints going back to the jail section and little ones going towards the elevators. I followed the little ones.

I stopped at the end of the hall, staring in horror at a dead old woman, fear etched onto her lifeless face. She was shot in the throat and had already stopped bleeding onto the floor. I whimpered again and turned to a plant and threw up in it, I spat and looked back at the old woman, remorse in my heart. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled and stepped over her, hitting the up button. I heard the elevator returning as I turned back to the old woman. I had to do something with her body. I couldn't just leave her there like that.

I grabbed onto her purple dress and pulled her into a sitting position, I let go of her and she slid down onto her side. I grumbled and arranged her to be laying down and put her hands on her chest, like I had seen on TV. She still looked mortified, so I closed her mouth and eyes, I tried to move her eyebrows but they just wouldn't budge. Now she just looked doubtful about her death. I sighed and stepped back, looking behind me at the plant. I took one of the flowers from it and put it between her folded hands. Now she looked truly at peace, kind of.

Suddenly the elevator dinged, the doors were already open. I stepped in to see even more blood than before. This time there was mush, I coughed in disgust and looked at the buttons, all of the ones above level fifty were out. I tried pressing the one with RE on it but the elevator just made a crude beep noise at me. I pressed level fifty and sighed. As the elevator moved up, I saw many bullet holes in the back wall. I whimpered at the thought of it being Kitty or any of my friends, I knew Wolf had escaped, I just didn't know where he was. I turned to the front of the elevator as the doors opened, another blood bath.

I sighed as I stepped in the blood, tracking more onto the floor. I looked down and saw more small footprints. I followed them down a the hall, I peaked around the corner and saw five more dead guards, their ammunition gone. I ran on tiptoe down the hall, trying not to make much noise. I followed the footprints to another door that had a blood smear on it. I opened it up to see a girl with Hyena spots in her hair, she was smiling widely. The name on her desk read Hyena. How was she still alive after the downfall of Komodo? Were the rest of her pack alive, as well? Hopefully not. By now Kitty must have killed them, anyway.

I closed the door and looked down, the footprints were still there. It seemed as if she was stepping in the blood purposefully so I could track her and keep on her tail. Suddenly the lights flashed and then went out. The only light I had was from the moon outside. I could still see, my eyes able to see in the dark, but I still had a hard time making it around. I sniffed at the air, the strong smell of blood becoming a regular scent. I smelled for strawberries, it was the same kind of shampoo that Fox gave the girls to use because he never wanted it. She always smelled like strawberries after that. I smelled again, trying to get the scent. I couldn't quite get it, so I just continued on with following her footprints.

After I had went up about a dozen sets of stairs, I sat down, looking at the footprints beside me. They were getting more and more faint. I knew where she was going, she was going up to Eskaban's floor as a final show down. Or, whatever had taken her over was, at least. All I knew was that she wasn't herself, not after Barracuda died.

I stood up and kept going up the stairs, seeing that Eskaban's office was just a couple more floors up I sighed in relief and put a little pep in my step to get myself to go faster. The smell of blood was getting fainter, to my relief as well. I got to Eskaban's floor and saw a bloody hand print on the door, I grabbed the handle and felt more moisture, I sighed and opened the door. It was light up there, it hurt my eyes. I shielded them as I walked into the hall and closed the door.

Kitty's footprints seemed to stop in the middle of the hallway, then they were spaced out as if she was running and there was a large dent in the wall down the hall, as if she pushed Eskaban into the wall and they began to fight. I walked cautiously down the hall, looking up at a security camera, it was down. Kitty cut the power so she could have a bit more of an advantage over Eskaban, who was most likely watching her on camera. I looked down the next hall to my right, the table was overturned and a painting was smashed on the floor. They were crashing from wall to wall in the small space of the hallway. I kept walking down the hall, seeing one of the shards of glass was tipped with blood and the edges seemed to have more blood on it. Someone had gripped the glass with force, cutting themselves, and stabbed it into someone else.

I looked up at the door, it was wide open. I walked through to see the walls in the room were glass. There were many holes in this glass, even the glass stairs seemed to have been broken in spots. I walked up them cautiously, making sure I didn't fall through. At the top the floor was wooden, there were drops of blood on the floor, possible fist fight. I turned and saw someone had been pushed onto the oak table and it snapped under their weight, Eskaban most likely. I walked down another hall, everything seemed to be fine. Blood dripped over to a door, there was another crash. I ran down the hall and burst through the door. I looked at the window, someone had jumped through it. There sat Eskaban's desk, everything seemed to be as he left it, with the exclusion of a note with bloody fingerprints on it. I looked at the window, someone had jumped through it.

"For Spot." it said in Kitty's handwriting, kind of sloppy but very swirly. I picked it up, opening it.

"Dear Spot,

                Kitty told me not to kill you, and I'm honoring her last request. Well, kind of last, not really. I know you've been following me all the way up here, I wanted you to. I'm sorry to tell you that I killed Kitty and took over her body. She was in pain and I put her out of misery. You should thank me, I made it painless. Well, not really, but she died peacefully at least. 

                If you're wondering who I am, I can't really explain it. I'm the dark side that those scientists woke up. I'm more powerful, have strange mutations that help me heal, and I'm so much smarter than Kitty was. I can read, write, calculate, the whole package! With these powers and talents, I'm going to track down Eskaban. He got away right before I could kill him. I suspect he's going back to America, so I'll make my way there alone. Don't you dare try to follow me, I'll only add you to the pile of bodies. Make sure Wolf, Owl, Tardigrade, Bumbles, and Dove know. I'm sure Kitty wouldn't want me to kill them either, but I will. 

                Just so you know, after I'm one getting my revenge I'll go and try to fit in with all of the other humans. I'll lead a normal life, or at least try to. Maybe I'll become an assassin or a super soldier, I don't know. I'll leave everyone alone, though. I won't contact any of you ever again.

                Don't try to find me. 

                Don't try to get to me. 

                Just let me do what must be done.


                                                                                                     The New Kitty."

I sighed and crumbled the letter in my hand, pain shooting throughout my body. This couldn't be happening. No, it can't be. Not to Kitty, not to her. I had to help her, I had to get to her.

If only I could just get to her.

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