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I really found this topic interesting so I'd like to talk about it. :)

Now, we have this what we call "Willing Suspension of Disbelief". This term coined by Samuel Coleridge applies to all fictional stuff out there, written or not. It's very self-explanatory.

When it comes to JTK stories, we only care about the story. We don't care (that much) about the looks. We don't care who dies and lives as long as s/he doesn't affect the MC and Jeff's relationship.

Same goes for Jeff's hygiene. If I were just a typical JTK lover/fan fiction reader (which I'm not), I will not care about how bloody he is. Just as long as it is him, I will kiss or hug him. Why? It's because of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief! The concept applies to Jeff himself. I mean, how can Jeff stay not blind if he can't blink? How can he control his drooling if his mouth has slits? How can he LOVE if he's insane? How can he still live after dying two times? And the list goes on!

JTK lovers overlook those questions. We set aside those questions for the sake of enjoyment. The same thing we do with romance. We set aside the fact that Jeff never takes a bath or brushes his hair or brushes his teeth just to satisfy ourselves with the romance that we're seeking for.

If you're gonna ask me if I care about Jeff's hygiene, I'd say that I do. So I do my best to include hygiene even in the subtlest way. If you've read my story, you should remember the part where I let Jeff swim in the cold river. That should make him a bit cleaner. :)

I even made Yana wonder how Jeff keeps himself clean. (Hey, she cares!)

Now, again, we don't really have to care about such stuff. Readers won't care about that unless they're the meticulous type. *cough cough*

Readers don't even care if Jeff winks. I mean, how can he wink if he doesn't have lids in the first place? Some of the violent fans would even attack you if you point that out in a story. They don't want their PERFECT (CLICHÉ) stories to be criticized.

You got my point?

So if you're really, really into clean guys, then go and paint Jeff your way. Make him take a bath and such. We all have our own ways of depicting Jeff. If you want him to be soft, then go make him play violin and stuff. If you want him to be violent, then go make him kill and drink blood and stuff. If you want him to be sarcastic and stuff (which I did), then make him one.

But always keep in mind: Keep him IN CHARACTER.

Whichever way we want to portray him, we must keep him close to his real traits. If you go past that boundary, then it's already OOC. It's like you're creating a whole new story with a whole new character but with Jeff's name and appearance. It's like I just burned off Justin Bieber's lids, carved a smile on his face, and called him Jeff. (No offense to Beliebers out there.)

Okay, I've gone off topic again; but you got the gist.

Hope this helps, Emma! :) Go check her out.

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