Chapter Three: The Dinglehopper and Snarfblat Rediscovered ("Human Stuff")

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"Hey, Ariel! There you are!"
A yellow fish with blue stripes swam into an old grotto, with many old items inside that were unknown to many merfolk. The fish accidentally swam smack into Ariel, a beautiful young mermaid with long red hair and a greenish-bluish tail (or turquoise, as it has also been compared to). Ariel ignored the fact that she had been bumped into by her friend, and welcomed him instead.
"Oh, Flounder!" exclaimed Ariel. "Just look around you! All these treasures, never before seen by the merman's eye!" She twirled around in excitement, and Flounder looked at all the items in the old grotto.
"I don't know, Ariel," said he. "I'm not sure we ought to be in this place..."
"Oh, Flounder, don't be such a guppy!" said Ariel, annoyed at his constant fear of many things.
"What?" asked Flounder. "I'm not a guppy! I'm as brave as you are! I'm not afraid of anything!" declared Flounder bravely.
"Really?" said Ariel slowly. "And what about..." She came up behind Flounder and scared him, "SHARKS?"
Flounder swam behind Ariel and hid in her long flowing hair. "WHERE?!!" shouted Flounder, as Ariel laughed.
"Oh, Flounder," said Ariel affectionately. "You really are a guppy!"
"I am not!" said Flounder defiantly, with an angry expression on his face.
Ariel reached forward and pat his head, and said, "Aww..."
She then gasped and reached for the bag that she held in her hand. "You'll never guess what I found in this grotto today!" She pulled a small, silver fork from out of the bag. "Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?" asked Ariel eagerly.
Flounder was enthusiastic. "Woah, cool!" said Flounder. He looked closer at it, and squinted as though trying to see it clearer. "What is it?" asked Flounder.
"Oh, I don't know," said Ariel. "But I bet Scuttle will! Come on! I'll race you!"


"Scuttle!" shouted Ariel, as she waved to a seagull sitting on a rock, holding the wrong end of a telescope to his eye.
"MERMAID OFF THE PORT BOW!" shouted Scuttle. "ARIEL! HOW YOU DOIN', KID?" Scuttle placed the telescope down and saw that Ariel was right on top of him. "Woah! What a swim!"
"Scuttle! Look what we found!" said Ariel.
"More human stuff, eh?" asked Scuttle. "Let me see." Ariel pulled the fork out of the bad and handed it to Scuttle. "Wow! But, didn't you discover this about a year ago?"
Ariel looked at him confusedly. "I don't remember ever coming across one of these," said Ariel. She turned to Flounder. "Do you?"
Flounder shook his head.
Scuttle shrugged. "Oh, well," said Scuttle. "Guess something must not be coming across as well as it should," said Scuttle as he tapped his head.
Scuttle continued. "Well, what you have here is special; it's very, very unusual!"
"What? What is it?" asked Ariel excitedly.
"It's a dinglehopper!" said Scuttle proudly.
Ariel looked at it, held in Scuttle's hand, in amazement. "The dinglehopper!"
"Oh, these babies are fantabulous!" said Scuttle. "Absolutely indispensary!"
Three seagulls flew in, Scuttle's friends they were, all girl seagulls, and helped explain the human items to Ariel and Flounder.
"When it comes to dinglehoppers," said Scuttle, "I'm a regular encyclopoodia!"
He began to sing, "Say that you wanna have a hairdo like the folks who live up there do, that'll flap their wings!"
The first gull shouted, "Flop their wings!"
The second correct, "Flap!"
The third squawked as the second gull's wing almost smacked her.
"Well, you'd look absolutely dandy," sang Scuttle, "if you use one of these handy little thingamajigs!"
The first shouted, "Thingamabobs!"
"Jigs!" shouted the second gull.
"Bobs!" shouted the first, bumping into the second, causing the third to fall, and the third gull squawked.
"Pick up the dinglehopper just like so," sang Scuttle. He stuck it in the first gull's hair. "Twirl it the way I'm twirling now! Give it a little yank!" He yanked the fork out of the gull's hair, causing them all the fall backwards. "And there ya go! You're what they call 'the dog's meow'!"
"Wonderful stuff!" sang Scuttle and the three gulls.
The third gull squawked proudly.
"That human stuff! Can't get enough!"
The third squawked again.
"Of human stuff!" sang Scuttle and the gulls again. "And we are the authority, no need for us to bluff! Because we're great at explanatin' human stuff!"
Ariel pulled out a pipe from the bag. "But what's this?" asked Ariel.
"A snarfblat!" shouted Scuttle.
"Wow!" exclaimed Ariel and Flounder.
Scuttle sang again, "When they invented snarfblats just by chance, suddenly life was la-dee-da! Snarfblats are what you use to make folks dance! Give it a blow and then voila!"
The gulls and Scuttle sang together again. "Wonderful stuff!"
The third squawked again, doing "jazz hands" with her wings.
"That human stuff! None of it fluff!"
She squawked again.
"Not human stuff!"
"It's marvable!" said the first gull, as she danced in front of Ariel.
"Stupendable!" shouted the second, as she knocked the first out of the way to be the center of attention.
"Completely A-O-J!" sang Scuttle. "Which sounds absurd, but take my word; that's what the humans say!"
All four gulls sang again, "Wonderful stuff! That human stuff! If you're a buff of human stuff! And Heaven knows, since we're the pros, from us you'll get no guff!"
"And once you've a got a whosamajig," sang Scuttle.
"A thingamawhat!" shouted the first.
"A watchamagig!" said the second.
"That's all you need to bring you up to snuff!" sang Scuttle.
"Right up to snuff!" echoed the other three gulls.
"With proper dinglehopper groomin', rest assured, you'll look real human!" sang Scuttle and the gulls. "We know cause we know human stuff!"
All four gulls squawked, bringing the song to a close with a bang.
Flounder looked at the pipe questioningly. "Does this snarfblat thing really work?"
"Sure thing, kid!" said Scuttle. "And I ain't just blowin' smoke. It makes music the likes of which you never heard!"
"Music?!" said Ariel. "Oh, no, the concert!"
"The concert was today?" asked Flounder.
"Ugh, I completely forgot!" said Ariel, hastily taking back the fork/dinglehopper and the pipe/snarfblat from Scuttle, and putting them back in her bag. "I gotta go! Thank you, Scuttle!" She waved to Scuttle.
"Anytime, sweets!" said Scuttle, waving back. "Anytime!"

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