Chapter Four: The Lair of the Sea Witch

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As Ariel rushed home, followed by Flounder, there was evil brewing in the most mysterious of the fathoms below.
Two eels, Flotsam and Jetsam by name, slipped into the dark lair of Ursula, the Sea Witch.
"Oh, Ssssorceressss of the Ssssea..." said Flotsam.
"Oh, Beauty of the Depthssss," said Jetsam.
"Hail to the Ssssea Witch," said both Flotsam and Jetsam in unison. "Hail to Urssssula!"
"Flotsam, my pet," Ursula called to them, her tentacles extrended. "Jetsam, my darling... Come to me, my little sea spies! I am feeling...woebegone! Banished to the unspeakable regions of the sea... No food... Hardly any company..."
"Poor Urssssula," said Flotsam and Jetsam together.
"Yes, poor me!" said Ursula dramatically. "What news do you have?"
"The King is hossssting a ccccelebration in honor of the late Queen," said Flotsam.
"And he liessss to his daughterssss by telling them you are responssssible for the Queen's demisssse," said Jetsam.
"Of course he does!" exclaimed Ursula angrily. "Use a little dark magic to help out a few merfolk, and this is the thanks I get? Banishment... Rumors..." Her tentacles stirred threateningly. "Well, now it's time to turn the tides on Triton!" shouted Ursula, causing both Flotsam and Jetsam to grin evilly. "We just need to find his Achille's heel... A weakness that will crack his armor!"
"The King is terribly devoted to his daughterssss," said Flotsam.
"Especially the youngesssst, the one with the beautiful voicccce," said Jetsam.
"But, she misssssed the conccccert," said Flotsam.
"And the King alsssso owes you the favor from the deal you made with him," said Jetsam.
"All in good timing, Jetsam my darling," said Ursula. "Now, about Ariel... It seems as though she takes her gift for granted. A woman doesn't know how precious her voice is, until she's been...silenced..."
"Ssssilenced..." said both Flotsam and Jetsam.
"If history is to repeat itself, as I used that crazy old professor to tell the boy, then you two wait for the right time, and lure her here to my lair," said Ursula. "I'll use the same potion I used on her last year, and all will fall perfectly into place! And then, my dears..."
"Yessss?" asked Flotsam and Jetsam.
"The trident, crown, and throne will all be mine!" shouted Ursula, throwing her hands into the air, and cackling maniacally.

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