Chapter Twenty Two: Defeat

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But, her moment of triumph was soon over. For a searing pain came across her left shoulder. She looked up and saw Prince Eric; he had shot an arrow from his crossbow at Ursula.
As Eric swam up to the surface, Ursula sent Flotsam and Jetsam after him.
The two eels caught him by his heels just as he breathed fresh air, and dragged him back underwater.
Ursula raised the trident at Eric and spoke to Ariel. "Say goodbye to your sweetheart!" The trident glowed as she prepared to fire at Eric, but Ariel swam up and yanked Ursula's hair back, her face full of anger and horror. Ursula misfired, and the blast hit Flotsam and Jetsam, causing them both to explode.
"NO!!" shouted Ursula, as she watched the eels' remains float down to the ocean floor.
Ariel and Eric swam up to the surface, where Eric could breathe.
"Eric, you have to get out of here!" shouted Ariel.
"No, I won't leave you!" said Eric, as the two embraced. But there came a rumbling from beneath them, and the two were pulled apart. For Ursula emerged from the water, but now she was about the size of a giant. Ariel and Eric jumped into the water.
Ursula cackled triumphantly. "You pitiful, insignificant fools!!"
Ursula raised Triton's trident and swirled it in the water, raising the old and sunken ships from the ocean floor, creating a powerful hurricane, and forming a whirlpool where Ariel swam.
Eric got away in time, but Ariel was caught inside the whirlpool. Eric swam towards a boat and climbed into it.
Ariel sat at the bottom of the whirlpool, on dry sand. Ursula aimed the trident at her, trying to blast her and kill her. But Ariel dodged the blasts. However, she could not move that quickly, for she was on dry land, and only had a fin. One of Ursula's blasts hit Ariel's tail, making it impossible for her to move.
Eric steered the boat over to where Ursula and Ariel were, the rain beating forcefully against his back, the wind moving him closer to the two of them.
Ursula raised the trident again, and aimed at Ariel.
"So much," shouted Ursula, "for true love!"
Just as the trident began to glow, Eric sailed the ship right towards Ursula, its sharp bow impaling Ursula's stomach. She dropped the trident in pain. Thunder bolts and lightning, very, very frightening...
And with a final roll of thunder and a flash of lightning, Ursula the Sea Witch was dead.

The Voice, The Witch, and the Dark LordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora