Chapter Twenty One: The Witch's Triumph ("Poor Unfortunate Souls Reprise 2")

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Scuttle flew around and gathered all the animals he could gather, and told them what they had to do.
All of them went up to the wedding ship and did their best to sabotage Vanessa's outfit and to keep the wedding from progressing.
As they ruined Vanessa's dress, Max the sheepdog caught on quickly, and struggled to be free of the leash that Grimsby held. As soon as he was free, he ran up to Vanessa, barking, and bit her leg. Vanessa screamed, and shouted at Max. "Get away from me, you furry little son of a-"
Scuttle interrupted her by squawking in her face, causing her to shriek again.
As Vanessa struggled with Max, Scuttle did his best to remove the magic shell from her neck.
At that moment, Ariel climbed up the ship and saw Scuttle and the animals attacking Vanessa.
Ariel rose to her feet and looked to Prince Eric, who stood there without any expression on his face.
Suddenly, Ariel heard a shattering noise that was in front of her, and looked down. She saw the shattered remains of Ursula's shell, and noticed a shimmering green light drifting up towards her. The light sang with Ariel's voice, and made its way back to its owner.
Eric gasped and rubbed his eyes, looking at Ariel.
Ariel began to sing, and touched her throat, smiling.
The crowd of people gasped, and Eric rushed forward to see Ariel.
"Ariel?" asked Eric.
"Eric!" said Ariel, happily.
Max ran behind Eric, barking joyfully.
"You...You can talk!"
"Oh, Eric," said Ariel. "I wanted to tell you..."
Eric leaned in for a kiss, and Vanessa shouted, with Ursula's voice, "Eric! No! Get away from her!"
Just then, the sun had set. Ariel felt a sharp pain in her legs, and remembered the dream she had last year. She sank to the ground, and her green tail replaced her legs. The tail was not covered by the dress, and Eric looked at Ariel in confusion.
"You're too late!" shouted Vanessa. She raised her arms and lightning shot from the sky. Vanessa turned from a beautiful woman to the hideous Ursula, and she ran over to Ariel, and grabbed her by the arms. The crowd looked at Ursula with horror, and noticed that she was a monster. "So long, lover boy!"
"Ariel!" shouted Eric, as Ursula dragged Ariel under the water.
"Poor girl," said Ursula to Ariel. "It isn't you I'm after. You know who I'm after." And somehow, Ariel did know. She didn't know how she knew, but she just knew.
"Ursula, stop!" shouted Triton, raising his trident.
"Why, Triton," said Ursula, as she looked at his trident. "How are you?"
King Triton yanked his trident away from her angrily.
"Let her go!"
"Not on your life!" said Ursula.
"It so happens that your daughter made a bargain," sang Ursula.
"No!" shouted Triton.
"Swapped her voice to find a man up where it's dry. Is it binding? Goodness, yes! Unbreakable, unless..."
"There is a little something we could try," sang Ursula.
"Go on."
"Yes, perhaps we could arrange a sort of trade off," sang Ursula. "Maybe swap your daughter's soul for, say, your own!"
Ursula waved her hand and the contract that Ariel had signed appeared in front of Triton.
"Sign the scroll and set her free, or else, she comes with me to suffer through eternity alone."
Triton looked at his trident, and spoke. "It's not my soul you're after," said Triton. "It's my power..."
"Now, which would you rather be?" asked Ursula. "King of the Sea, or a father to his little girl?"
"Ursula, you are not the rightful ruler of this ocean!"
"Nonsense, Triton!" shouted Ursula. "Sign the scroll and hand me the trident, or never see your daughter again!"
Green light emanated from the contract, and swiftly drifted towards Ariel, and surrounded her. Triton reached out to her, but Ursula swatted at his hand.
"You heard my deal, Triton," said Ursula. "The trident and your soul. As a fulfillment to your previous bargain with me."
"What are you talking about?" asked Triton sternly.
Ursula cackled. "Oh, don't you remember?" With a wave of Ursula's hand, all the memories of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry Potter, and his deal with Ursula came back to him. His eyes grew wide as he remembered that he promised Ursula a favor in return for Ariel's freedom. "You..."
"Oh, I know," said Ursula. "I'm a witch."
Triton looked at Ursula angrily for a moment, then he remembered Ariel, and he looked at her, as the green magic began to engulf her in a small tornado. His expression switched from anger to grief, and he pointed his trident at the contract with Ariel's signature, and his signature replaced hers.
"It's done, then!" said Ursula triumphantly. Triton handed her his trident, and she looked at it with wonder.
"Finally!" shouted Ursula. "The ocean belongs to me!"
The green magic released Ariel, and went back into the contract. Ariel swam to Triton, and embraced him out of fear for his soul.
"And now, you poor, unfortunate souls!" sang Ursula. "Time's up! You're through! Now, the power of Poseidon is at last in my control! Queen Ursula is back in charge, and she is on a roll! Now, I shall reign forever over ocean, sea, and shoal!" She turned to the former Sea King, and pointed his trident at him. "Now, see for yourself how banishment feels!" shouted Ursula. The green light from the contract surrounded Triton, and he became another one of Ursula's souls.
"No!" shouted Ariel.
"You poor! Un! Fortunate! Soul!" sang Ursula, and then she cackled.

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