Part Two - Chapter Thirteen: The Order of the Phoenix

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"Harry!" shouted Hermione as soon as Harry Potter came walking into Number 12 Grimmauld Place, followed by Mad-Eye Moody, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Nymphadora Tonks. Hermione ran to Harry, and the two embraced each other. "Ron and I have been worried sick! And what's this about you being expelled from Hogwarts?!"
Hermione dragged Harry up to their small bedroom upstairs, where Ron, Fred, George, and Ginny sat talking. Everyone stopped talking once Harry got into the room, and they all greeted him warmly. He had been asked many questions about his expulsion, and he decided to tell them the whole story.
About a week ago, Harry had been with his cousin, Dudley Dursley. Dudley had never been quite kind to Harry, and, despite this, Harry had protected Dudley. They were walking back home to the Dursley's house, when all the lights on the street went out, and it began to become really cold. Harry saw many dementors approaching him and Dudley, but Muggles - or people who are not witches or wizards - cannot see dementors, the soul-sucking creatures that guard the wizard prison, Azkaban, from which Harry's godfather, Sirius Black, had escaped from in Harry's third year at Hogwarts, and that was the beginning of Voldemort's return, for Sirius's friend, Peter Pettigrew, had been a Death Eater - or a witch or wizard that serves Voldemort - and he aided Voldemort in his return to power. The dementors began to perform the dementor's kiss - a move where the dementor sucks out the person's soul - on Dudley, and Harry whipped out his wand. He thought of Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Ariel, and cast the Patronus Charm. A silver stag appeared from the end of his wand, and the dementors fled, leaving Dudley behind, and his soul in tact. He had received a letter from the Ministry of Magic later that night, informing him that he had used magic illegally - for he was underage - and was, ergo, expelled from Hogwarts. Then, he received a second letter from Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster at Hogwarts, informing him that he was not yet expelled, and that he would be given a fair trial before the Wizengamot - the jury and court of wizards and witches - in the following days. After an invigorating debate between Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic - Cornelius Fudge - himself, the final decision was that Harry would not be expelled from Hogwarts.
Harry was then, afterwards, filled in on what was going on where they were. Number 12 Grimmauld Place was the meeting place for the (partially) reunited wizard force, called the Order of the Phoenix. The keyword being "partially", for the some members of the previous Order of the Phoenix have been killed. Lily and James Potter, for example, had both fought with the Order, and could not be part of the order today, for they were killed the night Voldemort was defeated the first time.
What went on in the Order, the children did not know, for they were always kept away from the areas in which the Order held their meetings.
Though another author states differently the happenings of this year, I state what happened as the story precedes in its true manner, not the other version you may or may not have read by Joanne "J. K." Rowling. In this version of the story, you will see what truly happens to the Order, and what truly happens in Hogwarts, and what truly happens in the Department of Mysteries. But I'm getting ahead of myself; let's go back to where we were originally, shall we?
Up to this point, all the Order, as well as the children, were eating dinner. Molly Weasley - Ron, Fred, and George's mother - had finished arguing with Sirius Black - Harry's godfather - about whether or not Harry should be informed of what goes on during Order meetings. Molly debated the negative, and decided that Harry should not know what takes place, for he is just a boy. Sirius debated the affirmative, for he thought that Harry should know what goes on, and that he should be able to fight alongside the Order, and take vengeance on the man - or beast - that killed his parents. In the end, it was Sirius who had prevailed in the debate. (Arthur - Molly's husband - wondered how he did it, for he could never win an argument with Molly, as she claimed to be always right.)
Sirius told Harry that Voldemort sought to get his hands on a mysterious something, a weapon, the Order assumed it was. Sirius mentioned to Harry how dangerous it was becoming for witches and wizards all over the country, including Harry especially. More and more Death Eaters were being freed from Azkaban, and they all returned to whom they were pledged: Voldemort. One particular Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange by name, was Sirius Black's cousin, and had married a man that had ties with the Malfoys, and one Malfoy, named Draco, is the one person Harry dislikes the most at Hogwarts. Bellatrix is essential to the story, but she must be kept to the side at the moment. We'll look more at her later. For now, we must continue about the Order of the Phoenix.
Harry, after hearing these things, sat for a minute, taking it all in. He asked Sirius a couple questions, and Sirius provided answers.
After they had eaten dinner, the Order dismissed the children to their rooms. Harry, Hermione, and Ginny sat off in a small group away from the twins - Fred and George - and Ron.
"Looks like Hermione's replaced you," said Fred jokingly.
"Guess she's more interested in 'the chosen one'," joked George.
"Honestly, don't you two do anything besides poke fun at others?" asked Ron.
Fred and George looked at each other for a minute. Then, they both turned to Ron. "Nope," said the twins in unison.
"I'm just...worried, that's all," said Harry to the two girls.
"But there's no need to be worried," said Hermione. "No Death Eater - let alone, the Dark Lord himself - could ever find this place. It's carefully conceal-"
"That's not what I meant!" shouted Harry with anger, frightening both Hermione and Ginny.
"Now, you listen here," said Ginny threateningly. "Don't you go taking out your anger on us. Knowing your luck, you'll end up facing Vol-"
"DON'T SAY HIS NAME!!" shouted Ron, who had snuck up behind Ginny. She screamed, turned, and smacked Ron across the cheek, and it quickly turned red.
Ginny took a deep breath, turned to Harry, and sighed. "Where was I?"
"You were saying something about me facing Vol-"
"DON'T. SAY. HIS. NAME!!!" shouted Ron again, causing Ginny to become infuriated. She turned around and smacked Ron's other cheek. Ron rubbed his cheek, then walked back over to Fred and George, who were laughing really loudly.
"Anyway," said Harry, "please continue."
"What I meant to say, before we were so rudely interrupted," said Ginny, casting a sinister glare over to Ron, "is that you have some of the worst luck I've ever known. And this is coming from the girl who was possessed by a magical diary... Anyway, knowing your luck, you'll end up facing the Dark Lord head-on by the end of the school year. Just like last year. And I was trying to tell you to save your anger for the Dark Lord himself."
"Wow, er, thanks, Ginny," said Harry, pushing his new/old glasses (for they were a cheap pair) up the bridge of his nose. "But, what I was going to say before, is that..." Harry lowered his voice to some volume just above a whisper. "I'm worried about Ariel."
"The water girl you were in love with?" asked Ginny. "What about her?"
"Well, how are we supposed to know how she is?" asked Harry. "She could be in danger, and we'd never know."
"I think there's another person you're forgetting about who we also don't know how she's doing," said Hermione in a frustrated tone of voice.
"Who could we possibly forget?" asked Harry.
"Someone who's been gone for almost a year?" asked Ginny.
"Someone who mysteriously disappeared without a trace," said Hermione.
"Then, I do believe I know who you're talking about, without a doubt," said Ginny.
"Who?" asked Harry.
"Parvati Patil," said both Hermione and Ginny.

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