End of Part Two - Chapter Fifteen: Dumbledore's Army and Parvati's Return

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Kept in an airtight bubble so she wouldn't drown, Parvati stayed in Ursula's lair, day and night throughout the course of many months. Until Ursula was told what would come next, she had planned on keeping Parvati underwater forever. But, hearing the future told to her, she realized her had to bring Parvati back up to the shore.
So, Ursula whipped up a little memory potion to wipe Parvati's memory of the last few months, then brought her to the shore. Parvati returned in the middle of the school year, just as a new professor began to ruin the lives of the children at Hogwarts. She learned that Harry had been starting a class on how to defend oneself against the Dark Arts, since the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had been teaching them nothing.
The new teacher was named Dolores Umbridge, and she planned to have the Ministry of Magic in control of all areas of Hogwarts that she could gain control over.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione had started the group, and many others, including the Weasleys and Parvati, joined the group. They called themselves "Dumbledore's Army" - the D. A. for short - and they learned how to Stun people, how to cast a Patronus, how to Disarm properly, and many other useful spells.


Parvati was welcomed with many questions about what had happened and where she had been. She felt horrible saying that she couldn't remember a thing. However, it all eased up quickly - after loads of rumors saying that she had been out with all the boys from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. No one bothered to find out what had happened to Parvati, and neither did she.


As Harry walked along the shore, he looked into the water of the lake. He thought of Ariel. He saw a rock on the edge of the shore and sat down on it. Harry looked into the water, squinting as the water reflected the sun back to him. All of a sudden, he looked down and saw a wet bottle with a piece of paper inside of it. Harry picked up the bottle and shook out the piece of paper, and examined the paper. It had Harry Potter in sloppy letters and slightly smeared ink. He realized it wasn't folded, so he looked on the back of the paper.

Dear Harry,
It may seem crazy, but I forgot about you for the longest time. But now that I remember, I feel like I've let my own heart tear itself in two. I truly am sorry, but I fell in love with someone else - a prince, in fact. By the time I remembered you, it was too late. My voice is gone, and now I only have three days to receive true love's kiss from him, or else the Sea Witch will take my soul.
Again, I'm so sorry for not loving you as I should have. I'm afraid this will be my final word to you, one way or another. Goodbye.
With remorse and love,

Harry rolled the letter back up, and clutched it in his hand, and pulled it to his chest as tears slowly filled his eyes. He was feeling too many things at once.
Joy, Ariel is safe.
Sadness, I will never see her again.
Anger, She left me for a prince!
Fear, What if she never receives the true love's kiss?
Suddenly, a hand placed itself on Harry's shoulder. A familiar voice came to his ears.
"It'll be okay," said the voice. "If anyone knows what you're going through, it's definitely me."
Harry turned around, and was welcomed by the kind, yet bold, face of the flowing red-haired Gryffindor girl, Ginny Weasley.

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