Neji and Orihime, Lee and TenTen

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“Orihime! Look out!” TenTen shouted and I spun around to see a mist ninja with a mask on who jump at me. I took out a kunai and threw it at him at lightning speed. It pierced through his heart and he fell to the ground, dead.

“GOOD  JOB, ORIHIME!”  Gai-sensei said with thumbs up. Yeah…I’m forced to call him sensei now… I nodded. Neji simply ignored me and looked away. I simply rolled my eyes in response. Our mission was now finished and we’re returning to the village.

“So this year you all will join the Chunin exams, and if I study from Orihime’s powers, she’s also ready to join, don’t you think?” Gai sensei said, striking a pose. 

“DEFIANTLY!” Lee agreed.

“Well she is strong…” Neji muttered.

“And she wasn’t even trying!” TenTen finished. “She’s so ready!” I blushed slightly; it was almost like a praise.

“T-thanks…” I muttered which they all smiled at. And I’m of course not stupid, I didn’t use my Rinnegan or my Paths. “Wait.” I came to a realisation.

“Yes Orihime?” Lee asked.

“What is this…Chunin exams Gai-sensei spoke of?”

“It’s a test in which Genin from across the world come and formally do a test to promote them to the rank of Chunin.” TenTen explained.  I nodded.

“In our village?” TenTen nodded and I made my mouth ‘O’

“Wait…” I began.


“What’s a Genin?” They all anime fell.

“So you really don’t know what rank you’re on?” Lee asked.

“I don’t even have a ninja headband, so I don’t know why I’m here.” They all anime fell.

“Wait a minute…” Neji came to a realisation. “Why are you here then?” I shrugged my shoulders.

“How should I know? I got the village yesterday and immediately put on this squad, and now I have to do an exam? I’m just doing what I’m told.” TenTen sighed and rubbed the back of her neck.

“Well…you must feel terribly confused. But don’t worry! We’ll be there for you!” I smiled at that and gave her a side hug.

“Thanks TenTen.” But I was suddenly yanked out her arms by a certain mini Greenman and into his embrace. He anime cried, making all the tears drown my red hair, because I’m so short, to the point where it looks like blood red, where my normal hair colour is scarlet.

“Lee, get off!” But he only pulled me tighter.

“But it’s sad! You seem so confused!”  I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me, but he only jumped up again and cried along with Gai-sensei. Seriously, what is up with them? TenTen chuckled and we all began walking again, leaving the Greenmen to their ‘youthful crying session’

“Oh yes…” TenTen started and I looked up at her. “I wanted to ask you where you learned Taijustsu like that. It was an odd fighting style to say the least.” This caught the Greenmens’ attention and they ran up to us to listen. I nervously played with a strand of my scarlet hair.

“Well….to be honest I don’t know, see I lost my memories and yeah…”

“I recall you saying that, I’m sorry.” TenTen muttered. I smiled.

“No it’s ok, I want to remember my past so badly but I’m given hints by these things so it’s ok.” She nodded her head slowly. You’re probably wondering what this strange form of Taijutsu is. And that is that by reflexes my hands form fists in front of my face protectively and my elbows over my chest. That’s how I learned to protect my face and chest after some time I spend with the other prisoners. But on this mission I didn’t really fight, seeing as we only went up against three mist ninja and I only stood on defence to protect our scroll which I later give to…

The PEIN of losing a Sibling (Naruto FanFic, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now