Out of Line of Sight

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Sigh. “Ok, do you understand Naraka?” He nodded. “You have to go see if the A.N.G. followed us, or gave up on us. I don’t want any troubles during the Chunin exam. And if it is so that I lose a Path, I shall summon you, ok?” He nodded. “Then you may go.” Naraka jumped from the roof top off and started running out the gates of Konoha. I sighed and jumped off as well, before starting my departure to our specified location for the exam. I had everything on me that I need. Kunai, shuriken, water, bentos, scrolls which summon more weapons and food, and then scrolls for summoning my Paths, but I only use that if I can’t use my energy alone. But I can’t help but wonder what’s wrong with the village. I appeared a week ago, the Hokage could clearly see I was a danger, but kept me. Then he placed me on a team, we went for a mission, and now I have to do an exam to rank up? I don’t even have a rank! Not to mention the idea of giving me a headband must’ve slipped their minds, but they don’t seem to focus much on me now, is there something coming? Is the Chunin exam what makes this village vulnerable? Is the fact that other Kage’s attend this exam, make the Hokage restless? Or could it be that the village really accepts anyone into their home? Even an S-rank criminal like me? Or does the Hokage not see me as a threat because I killed in the past? Nothing makes sense. Something is strange and I’m going to find out what, but before that-

“Well, well, it seems finding 666 is easier than I thought.” That voice, that awful voice that I will never forget. I spun around to see Kamiko with General Ikitake and 5 guards. I took a step back, sweat already rolling down my forehead.

“W-what do you want? Why are you here?!” I yelled at them, making Kamiko simply chuckle.

“Why wouldn’t I be here, little 666? One of my darling prisoners escaped and I just wanted to come and congratulate her.” I jumped a little back, holding my fists up. She laughed. “Why, you think you can fight me?! Silly, foolish little cursed one.” She charged for me, but she was way faster than the human eye could follow, and never mind counter the attack. I flew backwards into a brick wall, blood leaking down my nose and over my lip. I stumbled back up and quickly bit my finger. I made the six (六) in the air and a puff of smoke erupted, before clearing and revealing my Paths. The General and guards seemed dumbstruck, while Kamiko simply smirked. I took out my contacts and did a hand sign, I opened my eyes and then I could see through all the others’ eyes. Kamiko laughed.

“So this is the Rinnegan I’ve heard generations of stories about! Doesn’t seem like much at all.” She smirked before running for my Deva Path. He counterattacked by using his gravity push to knock her into a wall. The General took out a sword and ran for Asura whose arm transformed into a sword and they clashed. The guards all went for the one who looks the weakest, Animal. She quickly summoned a giant Eagle and the guards all fell to the ground. Kamiko took out her whip, filled it with her water chakra, and went straight for Preta who caught her whip and absorbed the chakra. I looked around cautiously. If we were making this much racket then someone was bound to find us.

“It’ll be ok.” I heard Human tell me. I gasped. That was the first ever full sentence he spoke!  It might’ve been short but still! What happened next was all a blur. Kamiko took out a knife and cut off Preta’s head, making him fall dead to the ground. 2 Guards pinned Animal down while 1 guard got out twin swords and pressed them into her eyes, making all Paths and I close our eyes as blood filled one of our shared visions. When I opened my eyes, I saw Animal, Preta, Deva, Human and Asura all dead. Only Naraka whom I summoned from the mission I gave him, is left. He did a hand sign and summoned the King of Hell statue. He was about to revive them all while I scanned the area for the enemies. Bad idea. I looked back to Naraka who now has a sword through his heart, and a totally innocent Kamiko behind him. A piercing scream erupted and I shook away the traitorous tears. It took me a while to figure out it was my scream. Kamiko walked over to me slowly, her bloody sword at hand. I fell back onto the ground, my knees going weak. I blinked away the tears, but it ended in my vision going blurry, black spots taking over my sight. Kamiko lifted her sword, and before she lowered her sword, two strong arms circled me, pulling me away. The last thing that I saw before passing out, were red clouds…

The PEIN of losing a Sibling (Naruto FanFic, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now