A Leaf

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Ok recap, I’ve been kidnapped by the Akatsuki who’s leader is my older brother. Kamiko killed all my paths and Nagato helped me to revive them, but the progress isn’t complete yet. We took 6 dead bodies and created identical replicas of my old Paths. All I need to do now is place the chakra receivers inside of them and revive them fully. However, I didn’t expect an interruption….

“What the hell’s happening!?” I yelled when all the walls started shaking. I was in a white room where there were 6 large iron tables with my dead-alive-incomplete Paths.  Double doors were the only way out. I hesitated but after a long while of nothing happening, besides all the corpses falling of the tables and the ceiling practically falling off, I figured out no one would come back for me. I guess I’m the last thing they’ll think about. I quickly grabbed two long receivers and pressed them though Animal and Deva’s bodies quickly. I did a few hang signs before concentrating really hard. A purple chakra formed around the receivers and both their eyes shot open instantly. I fell to the ground panting, before my eyes fell closed and my vision died.

“Kaiya…Kaiya…Kaiya…” I sighed and sat up straight instantly, regretting it as I just lay down again because of head ache.

“Who the hell are you?” I mumbled, noticing I don’t have a clue who talked to me. I opened my eyes slowly and gasped at my sight. Deva was hovering over me, and do you know what’s odd? He held emotion in his eyes. He smiled and stood up, holding his hand out to me. After hesitation I took his hand and he pulled me up. I didn’t take in my surroundings, because I was dazed by his eyes, that held, emotion. There was a glitter in his eyes, that shows he’s alive. Apparently he noticed my surprise because he simply shook his head.    

“Later.” He said and I hesitantly nodded before looking around me. I gasped. All 6 Paths were on the ground, looking dead. Animal looked the worst. Her receiver was broken and there were cracks on her grey skin.

“What happened?” He motioned to a cave where fire was sprawling out down the mountain new were on. “That’s the Akatsuki base. They haven’t come for us yet?” He shook his head. And here’s my chance. “Ok here’s the plan. Grab the corpses and run!” I went over to Animal and tried lifting her up but I failed with my 8 year old looking arms. Her body oddly then hovered in the air. I looked over to see Deva with two bodies over his shoulders and the three other hovered around him. Oh right… I started floating around until I was sitting on Deva’s neck. He started sprinting off, faster than the eye can catch, and surprisingly, I didn’t feel the effect of the wind or speed at all. The three floating bodies however, didn’t look so good. Their mouths were wide and looked like they could fit 100 tennis balls in there. It looked like some kind of cartoon…wow, that’s hilarious!

“Where are we going?” I asked. He held out one hand and I heard a light swishing sound and then he showed it to my face. A leaf? Leaf? Oh leaf! …is that where I belong?

The PEIN of losing a Sibling (Naruto FanFic, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now