Ten S-Rank Nin

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Wohoo! The next chapter will be the last one! (I think!) This chapter has some time skips between the present and when she was in the Akatsuki but you'll know when.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place….again. But as I sat up I remember the events of yesterday. My brother…Akatsuki… I stood up and walked out into the hall. I sighed to myself as I realized this place will for always be a maze. So I turned right down the hall and kept walking until I turned left and again right, hoping I at least would find someone with the sense of direction. And I did. When I turned left I hit someone in the back and fell down because of my tiny, tiny body.

“S-sorry…” I mumbled before looking up. I saw the normal Akatsuki cloak and blue hair before she turned around me. She also had orange eyes, a paper flower in her hair and a piercing under her lip. She stuck her hand out and she helped picked me up.

“I’m Konan.” She introduced.

“Kaiya.” I replied and she smiled.

“Hungry?” I nodded and followed her to the kitchen. “It’s nice having another girl around here for a change, and my sister-in-law as well.” My eyes shot wide in confusion, fear and curiosity.

“You’re married to Nagato?” I asked after finding my voice and she immediately froze, probably realizing what she just said. She turned to me with wide yes. She leaned closer to me.

“Yeah. Well…shh. It’s a secret, nobody can know.” I slowly nodded while she went and started breakfast. She was busy making eggs when I leaned closer to her and whispered.

“I’m having a mental break through. Yesterday I found out I have a brother, today I found out I have a sister-in-law, and I just came to a realization I’m stuck with how many S-rank nin?”

“Ten.” I ran my hand over my face.

“Seriously…” I muttered and Konan smirked. “Ok, Nagato, you, Star Brat and Emo Duckbutt senior. Four.”  I said as I counted with my fingers which she slightly chuckled at.

“You’ll meet the other six soon.” She said and I just nodded.

“Hoi! You making breakfast, un!” I heard a loud, young voice screech. Konan rolled her eyes in annoyance as a blonde entered with a huge grin but it faded as he saw me and pointed at me.

“Hoi! Whe hell are you, un!” I rolled my eyes.

“Kaiya.” His eyes narrowed at me.

“Leader’s sister, un? Well, I’m Deidara, un!” I nodded.

“Well, nice to meet you Deidara.” He frowned at me before turning to Konan.

“Hoi, make me food, woman!” Just as he finished talking paper complete surrounded him and held him tight.

“You should know your place, Deidara!” Konan said rather frightening, seeing as she had a spatula in her hand. I silently chuckled to myself. That would make 5…


“Why is it taking so longgggg!?” I yelled at Gai who held a map with a confused expression.

“Well, it would seem that we are lost.” He told us while scratching the back of his head nervously.

“Give me that.” Neji said as he took the map from Gai and frowned. Neji slowly turned the map around and I glared at Gai.

“I’m sorry, Kiaya!”


After I ate breakfast with Konan I decided to do some exploring and came across another member of the Akatsuki. Only this one was odd…. He kept cussing and said he was going to sacrifice me to Jashin…. I didn’t even get to say one word to him or introduce myself as he started to chase me all around the base. He was busy swinging his scythe everywhere, breaking walls and trying to kill me. Just as he was indeed going to hit me, another member appeared who complained to the strange man about how much money it was going to take to repair the walls…. I didn’t waste any time in staying. I ran away from them as far away of them as I could, that is until I ran into a pale man with long black hair. I immediately recognised him as the infamous Orochimaru…Just as he turned to me I screamed and ran again, making him look at me weirdly as I ran the other way.

“I’m ganna die here!” I yelled to the heavens. Bad idea. The crazy Jashinist heard me and is now chasing me all over. Again. I ran through the hall until I ran into a random room and I stayed quiet. I heard him ran past the door and I sighed in relief.

“Well hello~!!” I turned and nearly scream my lounges out as I saw a freaky plant. He was half black and half white and looked at me curiously.


Hello we are Zetsu!” It’s like the thing had two personalities. “You were running from Hidan, was he trying to sacrifice you?”  I nodded. So his name is Hidan… My head spun to the door as I heard the other one running past, again yelling about money.

And that’s Kakazu.” That would make….hm…. Nagato, my brother, Konan, my sister-in-law, Itachi, Emo Duckbutt senior, Kisame, Star Brat, Deidara, annoying bomb expert, Hidan, Jashinist, Kakazu, money obsess, Orochimaru, snake man and Zetsu, double personality plant. And they’re S-rank?!?! I was staring at Zetsu, and he was staring back with a curious look.

Are you Kaiya?” I nodded slowly.

“You the leader’s sister?” I heard from behind me, making me jump in surprise. I looked up to see a read head.

“Well yeah…you are?”

“Sasori.” He said before turning and leaving. Sasori…10.


“Finally! If Neji didn’t take the map from Gai-sensei then we would still be lost!” I yelled as we entered Konoha. “Ok now I just have to find Ibiki…hmm.” I mumbled as I followed Gai to the Hokage while everyone else parted ways. I waited outside the door while Gai gave her the report on our mission. After he left he told me I could enter, so I did.

“Ah! Kaiya! What can I do for you?”

“I would like to ask where I could find Ibiki Mornino?” She frowned.

“Why would you want to-?”

“He told me he wanted to talk to me.” She nodded slowly.

“You can find him at the Intelligence Division.” I bowed in thanks.

“Thank you Lady Hokage. If that is all.” She nodded and I left, on my way to Ibiki…  

The PEIN of losing a Sibling (Naruto FanFic, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now