Chapter 3

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Dylan's POV

"Right I want one last race from all of you. Put your best into this and I might let you go early," coach said and the team lined up on the starting line of the track.

We had been at training for two hours and my legs felt like they would give way any second. As I waited on the line I looked around and noticed Liam walk in from the car park and sit in the stands.

I felt a sudden push inside of me and knew that I had to do my best and show Liam that I was actually good at running, I wanted to make him proud of me.

"I want to see you out in the lead," coach muttered in my ear as he passed behind me.

I nodded and took deep breaths while getting into position.

"On your marks, set," coach then fired the gun and we were off.

I started off around the middle but it was three laps of the track so I knew I had time to catch up. Luckily for me towards the last lap people in front started to slow and I managed to over take them.

As I came in to the finish line I had quite a distance between me and second place. I bent over after I had finished to catch my breath and coach patted me on the back.

"Good job Dylan, just what I want to see," he said encouragingly.

I stood up straight and smiled gratefully at him.

"You can go and get changed now," he chuckled as I grabbed my duffel bag from the bench and made my way towards Liam.

He smiled as I approached him and stood up from the seat to meet me.

"I still need to go and shower but I thought I'd come over and say hi," I laughed.

"Of course," he said.

"Should I meet you out in the car park?"

"Yeah sure," Liam smiled and we headed in different directions.

I took a quick shower and used extra shower gel to make sure I wouldn't smell of sweat. I then changed into some black ripped skinny jeans and a slightly baggy, grey Jack Wills jumper. I slipped on my worn white converse and made my way back outside, my duffel bag slung over my shoulder.

When I got into the car park I saw Liam leaning against a polished black Range Rover. My smile grew even more and I carried on over to him.

"Shall I put that in the boot?" Liam asked, motioning to my duffel bag. "You can get in by the way."

He laughed and I nodded as I handed him my bad and then climbed into the passenger seat of the car. I was careful not to mark any parts of the car with my shoes, wouldn't be the best start to the day really.

Once Liam had seated himself he started to pull out of the car park and onto the main road.

"So, do you want to hear my plans for the day?" Liam asked.

"Of course," I said cheerfully, excited for what was to come.

"Well I thought we could first go into London and I don't know, just look around the shops maybe? Then we can have lunch there and go back to my place afterwards," Liam explained. "The boys all want to meet you but only Zayn and Harry are available tonight."

My heart suddenly stopped. Okay it was already pressure enough not trying to completely embarrass myself in front of Liam let alone Harry Styles and Zayn Malik.

"Wow," I said breathlessly.

"Is that a problem?" Liam asked worriedly.

"No not at all. I just don't want to embarrass myself," I added sheepishly.

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