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Camila has a random encounter with Lauren but in this story they are strangers. Camila is dominating here. But she doesn't told Lauren that she is going to be submissive, she told her that if she can help her do something in her house. So Lauren is in for a good surprise.

Lauren G!p

Lauren's POV

"This is going to be so much fun," Camila exclaimed.

Fun? I wasn't sure what she meant. I always thought putting furniture together was tedious and boring. I just smiled at her and followed as she walked to the door and opened it.

The house was nice enough; it was quaint and had everything a young couple would need. It was very tidy as well,that surprised me because I thought I was the only teenager that likes to clean. Then again, that assumption was just based on what I grew up as.

Dinah walked in behind me and patted me on the back, "alright, so are you ready?"

I nodded and she pointed towards a couple boxes in the living round. They were unmarked, so may have gotten this stuff online. I walked up to the bigger one, wanted to get it out of the way.

"Is this one the table?" I asked.

"Yes, I believe so," Camila said.

She went and got a box cutter while Dinah got a tool box from a nearby closet. Camila sat down next to the box and cut the it open with one swift movement. She began to take the metal legs out and placing them around her.

As she sat there, I could see down her shirt. If I had to guess, her boobs must have been C cup. For a moment, I stared, almost hypnotized. She must have noticed because she started giggling.

"See something you like?" Camila teased.

I quickly looked away. "Um... sorry," I murmured.

"It's okay, dawg," Dinah said, placing a tool box near me, "she usually takes it as a compliment."

Dinah slid the top of the table out of the box. It was wrapped in what looked like leather with some padding. It folded out and was probably around 6 feet long and maybe 2 feet across.

"You screw the legs into these hinges," Camila pointed, "that way when we can fold the legs under if we need to store it."

"Don't the legs normally come screwed on if it's like that?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I guess. This was slightly cheaper than the others we saw online. The 'some assembly required' part could be the reason"

I proceeded to screw the legs in as instructed with a wrench. It was an easy task and only took about five minutes to complete. Camila opened the next box and took out the makings of a chair. The chair had D rings on it in various places. It took me by surprise a little. 'Why would a chair have D rings on it?' I wondered. It didn't really matter. It wasn't really my business, as long as they paid me for helping them.

"Would you like something to drink? Maybe some water?" Camila asked with a smile.

Not really paying attention, I nodded. She got up and went to the kitchen. She returned after a minute with a glass of water for me. I quickly drank it and started screwing the chair together. After a couple minutes, I started feeling weird.

"Are you okay, dawg?" Dinah asked, "you look a little pale."

"Yeah, just a little lightheaded," I said.

"Probably from walking around in the heat," Camila said, "you're probably dehydrated. Want another glass of water?"

"Yes, please," I said.

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