The Camp Slut

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Guess who is back with BDSM 😏
Camren is role playing in the woods
Lauren g!p

Night 1

Lauren's POV

I had just sat down after setting up camp when she stumbled out of the treeline.

I looked around the camp, satisfied that my tent was ok, and that my sleeping bags were neat in my tent. I had stopped for a six-pack on my way in. I twisted off a cap and was taking a swig when I heard something moving through the brush. As I turned, she was just clearing the trees. She blinked in the sudden brightness of the clearing. As she spotted me and whimpered, it registered in my brain what she was wearing. Rather, what she was NOT wearing. She was naked and barefoot, her skin showing scratches from the underbrush she had walked through.

I smiled, letting my eyes take in her curvy frame, pale skin, dark hair braided down to the middle of her back. I noticed a few other things as well. First was a wide steel collar around her neck with a set of keys attached to the front ring by a snap link. Second was the ring gag forcing her mouth open, drool running down her chin and mixing with the sweat on her ample bare chest. Her arms were wrenched back in a way that suggested her wrists here bound, pushing her chest out even farther, her erect nipples obvious. Bands matching her collar circled her ankles, small padlocks rattling as she took another step. She stood very still, watching me, fear obvious on her face, even through the blush of her embarrassment.

I chuckled, waving her over. "Come on over, babe. It's too late for you to do much else now. I'm pretty sure I can out run you at the moment, so it's no used to try too escape." She glanced around the camp quickly before slowly making her way to me. She stood in front of my chair, shaking a little, and not from cold in this mugginess. "Turn around, babe. Let me see what you've gotten yourself into." She turned slowly, and I saw her wrists encircled by more steel from the set, little locks securing them, and a chain looped from them up to the back of her collar. As she completed her circle, I looked between her legs and chuckled again at the obvious moisture coating the inside of her thighs. Her mons was clean and smooth, making me think that she kept herself clean-shaven. I let my eyes caress their way back to her face, letting my pleasure at the sight of her show.

"I guess my first question should be whether or not you're running from someone. Trying to escape?"

She blushed deeper, looking away as she nodded her head slightly.

"And you had help, I am guessing, since I don't think you're limber enough to get your hands in that rig." She nodded again. "Is your friend still nearby? Are you meeting them somewhere?" She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, then shook her head. I couldn't help but laugh. "Just so I'm clear. You are dressed up like a rapists wet dream with no safety plan, and completely at the mercy of who ever finds you?" A small sob escaped her open lips as she nodded again.

"Well, babe, I'm not sure if this is your lucky day or not."

The shiver that went through her body, the small moan from her mouth, the extra liquid between her legs all told me what she thought of what I'd just said.

I smiled, moving to the front edge of my chair, pointing to the ground in front of me. "First things first. Kneel." She did, going very still as I reached behind her head. I loosened the gag just enough to pull it from between her teeth, letting it rest on her chest. She worked her jaw a few times, coughing and swallowing and wetting the inside of her mouth again.  

I smiled down at my new plaything. "Do you have any questions?" She thought for a moment, then shook her head slowly. "Good. Is there anything you want me to know before we begin? Anything that you can think of that will make you call your safe word right off the bat?" Again, she paused before shaking her head. "Good. Your safe word is 'balooga'. Say it." (I couldn't come up with a word 😂)

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