On the Run.

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It was a rainy day, that day.

Fast footsteps were heard on the streets.

I have to go. Was the only thing I could think about. Away from this rotten town.
My feet were hurting a lot. I had to stop to take a breath, but I found an ally and leaned against a wall. My shirt was cover in my blood at my right side.
My bag! After some searching I found a scarf. It is something.
I wrapped it around my waist.

Fast footsteps were heard on the streets.

A few men busted in the pub on which walls I was leaning.
No.... Please lord.... Save me!
From the sounds that came from the window of the pub I could conclude that they were starting to fight.
That should keep them busy.
But boy, how wrong was I. One of the men, who were searching for me, was thrown out of the building through the back door. The door next to me. And he saw me. "Here she is, lads! Come here!" He shouted to the three men who 'cleaned up' the young man who threw him out.
I have to get away, fast!

I started running again but because of my wounds it became nearly impossible. There was a two-way-road, one road led to the forest and the other to a hill. For a reason I choose the hill, but there was no time to ask why because the men were catching up. "Come here pumpkin! We won't hurt you.... Badly!" One of them said while laughing. Priks. We ran up the hill and I found gates. Thinking that I was trapped one of the men seemed to have stopped his tracks. "Is this a good idea?"
"Of course, idiot! We are going to get a lot of money if we catch her!" An other shouted back.
"But you know that this is a haunted house, right?"
With an irritated voice, an other one said: "Don't act like a woman! Get your ass here and let's catch the girl." I still didn't stop running up the hill. The path had a lot of bends. I almost reached the gate, I was halfway there, my hands could touch it within seconds.

Please, be open! I beg of you lord!

All of the sudden my eye catches a glimpse of something moving in one of the trees which stood in front of the house, which I could barely see because of it. In one blink of an eye the tree had no leaves anymore, but birds flew away which were sitting on the tree. It was hard to see at first and there were a lot of crows. The sharp and annoying sound they made made the men stop, but not me. I reached the gate. The men were still covering their ears and the looked full hatred at me. The wind was still howling as  my right hand reached for the black iron doorknob. But without touching it, the gate flew open because of hard blow of wind. Two men stepped a few steps backwards. They got even more starteld when a few wolf cries were heard.
"We will find you one day, pumpkin, ONE DAY!" And with that the four men ran downhill, while I started running uphill, towards the house. Which was also a long way, but I had company. By 3 big wolfs.
No.... Not right now!
I began shouting desperately: "Open the doors! Please, sir, miss! Open up!" The dogs were scary close, too close. "No, please lord! I don't want to die! NOT NOW!" I cried. I tried thinking of every lovely memory I had, eventhough there were but little. I almost reached the big marble stairs that lead towards the... Mansion. This house was bigger than I thought! But there was no time thinking of that. "Hello?! Anybody?! HELP!!" The dogs caught up and ...
Some of the off-white marble stairs became red with my blood. The pain came after my body fell on the cold hard steps. A short cry escaped from my chipped lips. It might have been the white light or the door to heaven, but I lost my eyesight too soon.

"Please.... help.... me"

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