The Conversation.

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"Of to the basement you go, Roderick."

"I know your there master..." I screamed in disgust.
Most of what happened at the diner was made into a vague memory. The only thing that was clear to me was the pain Hugo caused. And he was here, I could feel someone's presence.
"You must be mistaken me for someone else, miss Winsley." A deep one-toned voice said.
Frightened wasn't the feeling I had, it was more of a curious feeling. "Show yourself... please!" I yelled back. Something moved not so far from where I sat. "I can't do you harm, as you can see the chains prevent me from..." The sound if chattering metal cut me off and my red wrist and ankles were freed. I held my painful right wrist with my left hand. "T-thank you..." The thing that had lurked in the shadows before now showed itself. It looked like a skeleton with no flesh or mussels, just skin on bones. But he had a friendly face and was dressed neatly. The thing stepped into the light, there was just one lamp in the room.
To explain my accommodation this time was simple: it was a room made of bricks, my chains hung on the walls, a single lamp hung in the middle and there was only one metal door. No windows and two people.
"My name is Roderick, no sir, just Roderick and please don't be afraid of my appearance."
But I wasn't afraid, more curious for I thought no one but Hugo would live here. "I hope that it is a pleasure to meet you Roderick, call me Gwyneth please, no miss or ma'am." He smiled a bit and gave me a hand so I could stand up. My legs were weak but I managed.

What is he? What is he to Hugo? Who is he?

With hesitation I asked the questions I thought of. He replied as if these questions were asked to him everyday. "I am a resurrected human, a shadow of young master Hugo's creation and the official head butler of the Cobalt family. Now, I can proudly say, that I am the advisor of sir Cobalt." In an awe I looked at him.

Who would have thought...

"And what are you? Who are you to Hugo?" This time he asked me the questions I asked him. I gave a little smile. "Well... I am an ordinary girl, human, and..." I had to pause.

What am I to Hugo anyway?

"... I am the new toy for your master." I said sadly.
"On the contrary, I think you are his savoir." He blankly said, like it was a fact. A questionable look was found on my face. I was a bit amused, I must admit. "His savoir? I think the way he treated me isn't the way you treat your savoir. Do you not agree, Roderick?" I said with raising my left eyebrow.
"That is true, you must not treat anybody like that. But young master Cobalt is afraid of being saved."
Pity... pity and guilt filled my body.

Was I to hard on him, maybe he was afraid to, will he forgive me?

"Why is he afraid of being saved? And of what do you think, Roderick, that I will save him from?" My curiosity was at its best now, so many questions to ask and so many answer to collect. "Because you make him feel something that he hasn't felt in a long time: Caring."

Why is my heart disappointed? Did I want Roderick to say something else?

"And another big factor is that there is an actual human in this house. I must say, I have missed it, a companion for my master." It made me smile, that someone still cared what happened in this house. But still.. "Why did he do everything he did to me?" Roderick looked a bit worried at me, like he didn't know what to say. After a minute of silence it seemed that he finally found his words.
"Sir Cobalt has been betrayed before, his trust in people was put on the test in the past and therefore he is on his toes every time someone comes and enters Mansion Blair. And that is also quite rare, you are a the first visitor in decades."

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