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"Please.... help.... me"

My body could not move, my eyes would not open and my voice could not scream for a long time. It felt like ages. But my ability to smell and hearing senses were active. In the beginning I felt my self moving, not on my own nor by someone else. It felt like I was floating in the air. Suddenly something was poured in my mouth in large drops. That cold liquid traveled from my mouth to my right chest towards my ribs and to my left ankle. It made my bones crack so they were placed back in their original state. The cracking of my bones made an loud noise and made my whole body move like it was possessed. The pain was quick and painful. After 'the healing process' my body traveled somewhere else, and after a while it fell on a cold hard ground. It didn't feel like wood or stone, more marble.

Am I on the steps of the stairs outside again?

But no, there were no steps and the air felt warmer than before. I was in a room, not just any room, but one in the mansion. Who would have thought that someone lived here? My face became less lifeless, and I could finely open my eyes. A chandelier was the first thing I saw, it had one light but the crystals surrounding the light made it reflect to every corner of the room. At least that is what I thought, my neck mussels felt dead so I could only see the sealing.
It was pretty, it looked like a canvas painted with black, white and grey lines. I never had seen so many different versions of black and white in my life. Or at least what was left of my life. Tears escaped from my eyes, but i could not give one single cry. Slowly my face mussels began to work. Beginning at the top of my head and ending at my feet. But its pace was slow. When my whole face could move I cave out a loud cry, still having tears in my eyes. "Aaaahhhhhh.....". I felt my spine bit by bit moving. With every part of my spine being released I began too cry harder and sitting more straight up. After what felt like hours I finally could sit straight, but I let myself fall over to my legs.

Where am I? Who helped me? Am I in heaven?

There were to many questions, my head could explode and it hurted. My arms were free. I had my hands in my hair, trying to get my brain together. But it was no use, I let my arms fall next to my hull. I screamed on the top of lungs.
After an hour of madness and screams my upper legs could move. The pace of healing sped up. I hadn't observed the room yet, but there was nothing to observe. The floor, on which I lay, had a chessboard pattern and was, as suspected, marble. No plants or furniture were in the room, just me. Just me and dark red curtains.

Was I going mad? Was I resurrected? Am I the only one here? But that is impossible!

Like a little spoiled brat I threw my arms in the air and screamed. The questions I had and couldn't organise were everywhere. Life itself was questionable and it made me go insane. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" Silence, I rolled on my belly and sat on my hands and knees "Please.... stop.... make my head stop.... it hurts so much!!! Aaaaaahhhhh!!!" I was panting, my whole body covered in sweat. My hair seemed to be brushed when I lay on the floor while healing but now it was a bit wet. I turned my head to face the curtains behind me.
Was I in a trance by the curtains or did my body want to heal some more? With a lot of effort I managed to stand up, but I had to stop to catch my breath. I stood with my shoulder blades hanging back like a drunk man. Unconsciously my head moved to go backwards. A scream of pain and powerless feelings filled the room.
"You don't have to scream." I detected a moving thing behind the curtains, like a hand traced the silk fabric of the curtains. "I will be the only one to be hearing your useless screams." He, she or it made the s at the end of useless a bit longer. With no hesitation I ran to the curtains and tried to catch/hug the person in the curtains. But with failure I ended falling on the floor almost dragging the curtains with me.

How? I am sure that there was a person standing behind those curtains.

"Show yourself!"

How can I persuade the voice to show its owner?

"..... I want to thank the person who saved.... and healed me... IN PERSON!" I shouted the last thing to get his, her or its attention. "My hearing, it is perfect, so to get my attention, you mustn't shout." Pause. "Leave in peace, please." I was still sitting on the ground 'hugging' the curtains. While releasing the curtains a ray of white light appeared for a brief moment.

With a big sweep I openend the curtains and white moonlight filled the room. It was eye-opening. Never, I have never seen the moon so clear and big. "Wow....." escaped my mouth. I don't know for how long I gazed at this beautiful scenery, but it ended to fast. It felt like a person was standing behind me, but wasn't made out of flesh and bones, like a shadow. "Beautiful isn't it?" It whispered in my right ear. The voice and the cold shadow lurking over my right shoulder made me straighten my back. The shadow moved to my left side and left cold air along the way. "Go and travel around the world.... like your hearts desire." I felt the temptation. Unconsciously my hand found a way to the silvern doorknob.


This little voice, how small it might have been, in my head woke me from the trans. "No." The shadow made a hissing sound and moved into a corner, still not visible, just a shadow. "You healed me, SAVED me," I began walking closer to the corner.

Now you are trapped.

"So I owe you. I don't want to feel like a burden." I was now in the middle of the room.

Just a few more steps.

"And I want to see my prince on the white horse." I added with a genuine polite voice, because I meant it. "There are no white horses here.... nor your prince in silvern armor." There was movement in the corner. Shoes were formed from thin air.


"See miss, whatever it is you think I shall ALWAYS be one step ahead of you."
Legs, there were legs in those shoes.
"No one heard you scream a while ago and no one will hear them when I am finished with you..."
A waist and the beginning of an upper body was now visible, with a trail of dark shadows following. And just like that a young man was walking towards me. His pace fastened and he stopped with being a few inches apart from me.
"So you should fear me, than thank me."
I was a bit scared at first.

Did he appear, just now, out of thin air? Impossible.

But I straitened my back and gave him a confident look. While crossing my arms, I began to lean more towards him.
Between every word I then said I did a quick pause.
"I. owe. you."

In His Castle. In Her Presence.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang