Diner with The devil.

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"... my name is Hugo Cobalt"

Through the dining room, I walked to the kitchen. I had no idea what he liked to eat and what he had in his kitchen cabinets.

Why am I making diner again?

My head began to ache, it made me feel really dizzy. I almost fell on the stone floor, but I got a hold on the table.

Diner, I have to make diner.

I got as easily up as I went down and looked in the cabinets, which were hanging on the walls and were made of wood. Nothing was in them, they were clean, not even dust was living in them.
"Maybe in the cabinets underneath the table?" I open the two doors cabinet, nothing.
"Impossible...." I murmur.
I twitched my head as if I had a spastic attack*. Somthing made me think to...

I.... I have to look again.

I got up again and turned around to find the cabinets doors, of which I did close the doors earlier, open again and, this time, filled with food. I found myself in amazement, there were some foods of which I didn't even know the name of.
"How curious...."

So if I turn around, will I find more food and materials?

A little mischievous smile appeared on my face. With a big swing I turned my body around. And as expected I found cutting knives, ceramic serving boords and even a dead chicken**.

I guess we are eating chicken this evening.

I began pulling the feathers out of the chicken.
"I am so sorry,..." pull "...for..." pull "...your death..." pull "I promise..." pull "...to make you delicious..." pull "...for us to..." pull "...eat you..." pull "...and we will..." pull "...enjoy you..." The last feathers were pulled. "Your life shall not be forgotten, dear chicken. I am so sorry." A little tear escaped the corner of my left eye.

Death is so cruel when you can't fight back.

With a lot of difficulty I managed to put on the stove. In one of the cabinets I found a pan and I began to cook the chicken pieces I cutted with one of the knifes. While the chicken was simmering I could focus on the potatoes and vegetables. From the drawer, which was filled with the silverware, I found a small knife to peel the potatoes with.
Sweat drops traveled from my head to my neck.
"Just a little bit here.... and done!" My hardworking fist of victory wept my sweat of of my forehead. The chicken smelled delicious with the herbs I found in some jars. With the peeled potatoes in hot boiling water, I could finally begin working with the vegetables. There was so much to choose from, it was overwhelming! I picked the carrots and began washing them.
"Which knife to choose..."

I only know the one with which you eat and the one for the potatoes.

I picked a large rectangle-shaped knife, not the biggest one, because those were scary, but in comparison to my small hands this knife was pretty large. I picked some wet carrots and began cutting. After 6 carrots my head started to feel light.

I haven't eaten since this morning. At least... Was it morning?

I wanted to look at the window on my right but found it blocked with wood. But I ignored it, because.... I don't know why, but I just...

...have to ignore it.

I went back to cutting. After a while I found myself lightheaded again. Blood escaped my pale fingers.
"Aaahhhh!" My free right hand covered my mouth out of disgust, fear and to keep myself quite.
"Miss Gwyneth?! What are you ...."

Oh no...

The door flew open. My left hand found a quick way to my back. "Master Cobalt? Can I, uhm, help you, sir?" I wasn't really convincing that nothing happened. "What are you hiding, miss Gwyneth? His eyes went from my stomach to my eyes again. "Nothing, sir, what should I be hiding?" I tried to laugh my little lie away. While his eyes squeezed a bit, mine were getting bigger, because I knew that...

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