Keys and Choices

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Flashback Hugo:

Footsteps on stones. Uneven and cold stones.
"I don't mean to do this, but I have no choice... Can you understand?"
Gasps for air. Uneven and cold gasps.
"Of course you can. You made choices, foolish ones to be exact, of which you thought were the only ones there were..."
Sweat rolling down from his forehead.
"Well, that was something I learned from you..."
I arrived and held the bars from his prison.
"You always have more than two choices."
He looked up, the bags underneath his eyes black, his sweat on his neck.
"Take for example us, right here, right now..."
Keys in my pocket, keys in my hand.
"I have two choices... I let you live in peace..."
I showed him one key.
"Or... I don't."
An other key.
"You choose."
No response.
"Fine by me, I choose... again... as always..."
Key in the lock.
"It is less fun, for you and me."
An irritating sound of rusty nails. An open door.
"Well, yet again, I don't let you live in peace..."
Footsteps nearing a groaning person.
"Like you let me and my sister..."
I held his head in one hand, swinging it softly.
"It has been fifty years and you're not dead yet. You know who is? You daughter."
Not a sound.
"She died today. I thought I could help her, protect her, be there for her..."
Tears on my cheeks. Tears in his eyes.
"But she didn't wake up... and that... THAT IS YOUR FAULT!"
Blood on stones. Uneven and cold stones.
"But you DESERVE this! Do you understand!! YOU DON'T DESERVE DEATH, BUT ETERNAL PAIN!"
Screams of anger and pain. Uneven and cold screams.

In His Castle. In Her Presence.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora