Telling the Unheard Story.

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#When Wattpad wants to play games with your saving progress and you have to rewrite everything AND you don't remember anything because it was good already....

"Please, I ask you Gwyneth. Forgive me, stay with me and ... get to know me more. Like you wanted."

At first, I was flustered by his actions, taking my hands and what not. But his words were genuine and I was touched by them.

And he was right. I did want to get to know him, I said that before he messed with my head.

"I want to get to know my... savoir."

A little tear escaped from my right eye, I was emotional because of his words.
He let his head fall defeated, like he didn't want to say what he really wanted to say.
"You can tell me any-..."
Before I could finish my sentence his head shot up and looked me in the eyes. He finally found his words.
"I need you, Gwyneth."
My heart started racing.

Did he mean it? Does he really need me??

"I do mean it." He confirmed the questions in my head.

You are reading my head, are you not?

"Yes, yes I am..." He said while letting his head fall of defeat with a little smile. His head went up again to look seriously into my eyes. "But how can I not, Gwyneth... this is how desperate I am for you to forgive me." His eyes searched for something in my eyes.
"I forgive you Hugo, but -"
The theatre was already dark, there was some light. But now everything before my eyes went black.


I looked into Gwyneth's eyes to make her fall asleep and it worked with some effort, which was strange. But that didn't stop me from my actions. Her head fell on my chest and I didn't touch her, I waited for someone else to do that.
"Bring her to her room, Roderick." I said to my butler who walked through thin air and appeared from the shadows.
"Of course, young master."
I looked at my suit. My left shoulder was wet of her sobbing and what not.
"Women and their emotions..." I said in myself with disgust.
"Oh and Roderick." I stopped my butler from walking out of the theatre.
"While you are up there, please prepare my bedchamber as well. And my suit has become wet because of her." Saying "her" with disgust. "Tomorrow I wish it to be clean, like nothing happened." I continued with my hands in my pockets.
Roderick nodded with a bit of sad face. I wonder why.


Miss Gwyneth is not heavy, even walking up the stairs to the first floor. I saw Selma opening the door for me. As I lay miss Gwyneth on the bed, Selma grabbed some things out of the wardrobe next to her.
"Did our master mean anything from what he said to miss, Roderick?" She asked.
I didn't answer, I didn't know the answer to her question, for I do not know what sir Cobalt is doing.
I nodded as a sign of leaving and closed the door behind me.
To fasten my journey to my masters bedchamber I disappeared in the air leaving smoke behind and appeared in the masters bedroom to go to work.


Yellow and orange.
These colours were all I could see that morning.
I could hear and feel the wind.
The white curtains were flying in the air and the sheets prevented me from being cold.
The windows were open and the sunlight greeted me.
I hid myself underneath the warm sheets, this place was too nice to leave.
The door closed and I shot up.

Where am I? Who was in the room? What is this room?

I was in one of the guest rooms and I had been laying in this bed all night long. The only thing I remember was the light dimming and...
"Hugo..." I said with a smile. Although I don't remember everything, I remember having a good time with Hugo and forgiving him...
The wind felt cold on my skin. I looked down and found myself in a rather short nightgown. With big eyes I hugged my knees of shock.

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