Why am I falling For you Over and Over again?

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It wasn't until I sensed danger.


In an unexplainable way, my body felt numb. The story of Geraldine and Gertrude was, in a way, inspiring. It was as if the story told me that there are good people on the world, you don't have to search, for they will come to you on unexpected moments.

I wonder if that happened to me to, with Hugo. And who would have thought that Hugo would help them? There is still hope for a good heart in his steel body.

I walked to the main lounge room. My ankles felt like water, therefore my walk was rather enjoyable to watch. I looked like I had drank three gallons of beer. I looked up to the big curtains, which reached the ceiling. The way everything was closed off from the outside, from the world, bothered me a lot.
Before the maids and Roderick left, Gertrude stood on a ladder to reach the higher paintings. And that gave me an idea. I ran towards the main dining room and grabbed the ladder. Two legs of the ladder had wheels beneath them, so moving that big thing was easy to do. Still the carpets had to be an obstacle, but after a good 3 minutes the ladder stood by one of the 5 big windows.
Inhale and exhale. I grabbed the sides and began to climb the ladder slowly and steadily. Just 6 more steps and I reached the top. It was at this point that my dull brain thought it was a good idea to look down.
"How can you forget that you are afraid of heights?" I said to myself and I banged my head against the ladder two times, which, also, wasn't a good idea because it began moving.
"Lord, be with me please." I went up for 4 more steps. The ladder reached the ceiling but I just had to be close to the top of the curtains rail. One hand holding on to the ladder and the other one trying to get a firm grip on the one side of the curtains. I pulled trice the curtains towards me, while being careful not to fall, but there was no movement in them. Out of disbelief I blew my annoying strain of hair out of my face.
"Come on... please..." I tried it again, this time with all my might.


My favourite thing about this room is that no sound can escape and no sound can enter. It was a mess, but that was its exact beauty. I looked at the fallen desk. "If you would know what-"

Danger, Gwyneth, main loungeroom...

I squeezed my eyes for a split second to sense what was happening. I stood up and walked to the door, when I entered the hall I fastened my pace. Arriving at the stairs I almost jumped of it. I ran towards the door and threw it open. It took me a second seeing what happened, is happening and will happen here.
Gwyneth gave another big pull at the curtain and thereby lost her balance.
She was floating in the air, the stairs was standing on two legs and also stopped from falling, this all happening in one milli second. I ran towards the curtains and everything was set in movement again. The ladder fell on a cabinet with krystal ornaments on it, which flew in the air and landed with a loud clash on the ground in thousands of pieces.
Gwyneth pulled the curtain with her towards the ground, but I stood ready to catch her. Surprisingly she didn't scream, it was like she forgot how to scream in that moment. Her eyes were closed and in the middle of her fall she let go of the curtain to fall into my arms. Even when safe and sound from harm, she had her eyes shut and her hands formed in fighting mode close to her.
"Miss Gwyneth..." I tried.
No response. Sigh.
"Miss Gwyneth!" I said louder.
Slowly she opened her right eye. She looked at the ceiling, but when she looked at me both her eyes were opened.
The sunlight was shining on us, at first my eyes were hurt, but after a while I got used to it.
Gwyneth kept on looking at me and I kept looking into her eyes while I let her legs go down for her to stand on the ground. The space between us was still little. Her hands were on my chest, she looked at me into my eyes.

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