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Alessia POV.

So its Sunday, the day before Monday. And I am home. I have just finish cleaning the house and I have just had a late lunch. And as you know, when you are home alone, you aren't dressed to receive guest. So imagine to my surprise when my doorbell rang. Like it rang, and it scared the shit emoticon out of  me. First off, the only person/people who you even come near this home is my parents and I gave up hope on them coming  back by year 3. Mind you all these thought are running in my head while I am staring at this solid oak door.

Should I open it or nah?

Ehh, the worst thing that could is I die and my inner Buddha made me OK with that.

I open my door to the weirdest sight. There are three men on my doorstep. Not one or two, but three. 

First thought: Are they here to tell me my parents died?

Second thought: Hey, the one in the middle look familiar?

Then I realize, the one in the middle, he is the one I met at the coffee shop. He is the one I have secretly been wishing to see again. And I am assuming based on the observation of the two men that these are related to him, maybe even his brothers.

"Little one, have you been listening to me?" the middle one ask.

"No I have not been listening, I do not know you, therefore I am going to ask you to leave." I said with sass.

"Now, that some mouth you have there baby girl and I I don't think it appropriate to talk to your daddies in that tone." The one on the left says.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up, you don't like my mouth, and whats up with calling yourselves daddies. I have one father and he is in Russia, you're welcome to go fine him!" I shouted. How dare they insert themselves into my life.

James POV. (didnt see that coming)

I could tell my baby girl was getting angry, we are not going about this correctly.

"Hey, how about we all relax and have seat, may we come please my dear?" I asked.

"You know what, fine, the quicker we get over this, the quicker you will leave." she said.

"Well, thank you." Jarvis said. He was catching on the the approach that I was taking with our baby girl.

"Well, the best way to start is introducing ourselves, I am James, the middle child, that is Josh, he is the youngest, I believe you have already met, and that is Jarvis, the oldest. We are here because, you are the girl we have been waiting out entire lives for. We are all Daddy Doms. We have been looking for the perfect baby girl. That is you. When Josh saw you last week, he knew that you are the one for us. And seeing you now, in person, We know he is not wrong. You are beautiful and we want you. That is why we went to Russia and got your father to sign away his parental rights. We are now you legal guardians. We came here to collect your belongs, sell this dreadful home and come home with us." I say.

I could see that she is truly thinking this over. A strong part of me could see how much she wants to fight this. And she did not disappoint.

"So you think that you could come here, take me out of the only home I have only known and move into your home and fulfill some sick fantasy. And as for having custody, I will be 18 in a couple of months. I will be in college and away from here. So you could take your parental rights and shove it up your ass!" she scream at us. 

I could see the steam coming out of Jarvis's ears. Obviously a civilize approach would not work, so may be she would response to the Daddy Dom. 

"I have enough of you attitude and sass. Go upstairs to your quarters. You are only allowed to pack two suitcases and two suitcases only. Then you will come down to sign the papers to put the  house for sell. Then we will go home and get you adjusted into your new home." Jarvis said in his daddy dom persona.

I don't know what happened, but it was like switch went off in her. One moment she was a sassy teenager and the next followed Jarvis's commands.

"What do you think cause the switch?" Josh says noticing the change in her behavior.

"I think she is responding the Daddy Dom persona. We have to understand that she has been without parents for 7 years and I think a part of her wans to be treated like a child or even a baby, since she did not have that with her own parents." I said thoughtfully.

"So that means we have to deal her in daddy dom mode only, thats fine, I just want use to have our baby." Josh states.

"And we are in the process of finally getting her to where she needs to be, our home." Jarvis says as she comes down with her suitcases.

I hand her the paper to sign to authorize the sale of the home, which she does without question. We lead her outside of the house. We will have a moving company come around and clean the house out. We will sell anything of value and put the money into a trust for her.  (*AN: This girl got more money than she know what to do with; lucky*)

As we get to the car and Josh opens the door, the spell broke and the sassy teenager came back with a vengence.

"Oh hell NO! There is no way in heaven or in hell am I getting into that thing!" She shouted.

"We are not giving you a choice young lady, you either get into the cart seat willingly or you will suffer with 5 spanks and will still have to seat in there." Josh says exercising his Daddy Dom on her.

She made the decision to not listen though and Josh had to make good on his threat.  Jarvis and myself look on as our baby girl got her first punishment.

"Listen to me Alessia, You are getting five smacks in the bum for not listening to daddy. Count each one and apologize." he says that as he is adjusting her on his lap.

"Smack One, Sorry Daddy"

 "Smack Two, Sorry Daddy" 

"Smack Three, Sorry Daddy" 

"Smack Four, Sorry Daddy" 

"Smack Five, Sorry Daddy"   

At the end of her punishment, she has tears coming down face. Josh was now administrating aftercare.

"Daddy loves and care about you sweetheart, but you can not disrespect daddy. Now I give me a hug, a kiss and lets get ready to go home. Ok little one? Josh say while holding our little girl.

"Yes daddy" she says.

We all are holding in our happiness as our little girl calls one of us daddy. Jarvis and I sit up front while Josh stay in the back with her. We finally have our little girl.

Now it is time to bring her home


Not even 10 mins into the lifestyle and she is already punished? Ouch!

But on the real, do you think she would be good baby girl or will she fight it until the end?

Peace.Love. And Chicken Grease

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