An Attempt

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Jarvis POV.

Beep Beep Beep

My alarm clock goes off at 7am in the morning. Even though my brothers and I have taken time off from work to help our baby girl adjust, it does not mean I want to change my schedule rather put our little one on one. I plan on waking her up at 8:30am. So in the mean time, I have decided to make breakfast, rather order breakfast for family.

I go down to the kitchen to see our chef, Sarah and give her the menu for today breakfast.

"Morning Sarah, I would like you to prepare 4 serving of scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, a fruit sald, and fresh squeezed orange juice."  I tell her.

"Four servings, Are you expecting a guest this early in the morning?" Sarah questions.

"No, our baby girl is here and she will be joining us for breakfast everyday. Would that be an issue?" 

"No, not at all Sir, I will get right on it." She reply with haste and begins to make our family breakfast.

I have a reputation of firing our employees at the hint of insubordination. I make it a mission never to be undermined.

I notice that it is almost time for me to go and wake my baby girl. I go the stairs and walk into my baby girl room to see the most adorable sight. My baby girl, sleeping with her bum in the air and a pacifier in her mouth. She had a stuffie under her body, it looked like a bunny but it was mushed underneath her so I could not tell. I honestly did not have the heart to wake up her, but I know the sooner I get to her on a schedule, the better it would be for all of us.

"Wake up my little sunshine." I say gently while rubbing her back .

"Nah da" she reply, the pacifier muffling her words.

"Come on sunshine, it time to wake up." I say picking her up and placing her on  my hip. I begin to move towards the changing table and place her down. As I gather the materials to start a bath and get her ready for the day, I look at my girl, with her wild bed-hair, paci in her mouth, and daze look on her face. She looked like she is in her headspace.

"Come on, my little monkey, its bath time!"

"Bubbles?" she asks.

"Yes honey, bubbles"   


I laugh at her reaction. I begin to under dress her and then place her in the bath.

"Hey, baby girl, watch this." I tell her as I have a bath bomb in my hand. I drop it in the bath and it began to fizz up. Baby girl enjoy this very much. She was laughing and clapping her hands. Then I add in her bath toys. That sent her through the roof with enjoyment. I could help but join her in her laughter. This is what my brother and I have desired for her, pure happiness and love.

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" Josh say from the doorway. I nod my head.

We both get to work cleaning her up. Josh working on her head and I, her body.

We got done cleaning her quickly and dress her for the day.

We got done cleaning her quickly and dress her for the day

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She looked absolute adorable. I could not help but take a picture and send it to Jarvis. He reply in text saying that he will be coming down soon.

We have now arrived at the dinning room where Sarah has put out an impressive spread for my baby girl,  brothers, and I.

"Breakfast is served. Sir and ..." she ends, not knowing how to address our baby girl.

"Mistress" Jarvis interjects, finally making his way down, "You will address her as Mistress"

"Yes sir, enjoy." Sarah says and leaves the room.

Alessia POV. (Please be Aware that this is her in her headspace)

I no like Swarah. She look at mah daddys. I look at daddys only.

"Alright baby, lets put some food in that belly!" daddy says.

I eat yummy food. Maybe too yummy. What if she poison me? I die!

I spit food out. No she not kill me.

"Baby whats wrong, why are you spitting out the food?" dada says.

Uh oh, dada looks sad, I no like dada said. Dat make me sad.

Josh POV

Literally what seems to be out of nowhere, ally just began to spit out the food and cry. I have no idea where this is coming from, we were having a great morning. 

I decided that the best route for her is to make her a bottle and put her down for a nap. 

"Come on baby how about we get you a bottle and go nap-nap?" I ask/tell her.

I go into the kitchen to make her bottle and then after that go into her room to put her down.

As I am going the process of putting her down, I can't help but wonder what cause her to have a fit in the first place. I would estimate that her discomfort began when Sarah came out. I don't think Sarah would do anything to intentionally hurt our baby girl. But then again, we have never brought anyone home unless it was business related. 

Still, I'd rather be safe then sorry. I look down to see my little one asleep, so I decide to kiss her night night and place her in her crib.

I go downstairs to my brothers and explain to them my theory to my brothers.

"I say lets put a team on her. If she makes a move out of line we will know." Jarvis says.

We will protect our baby at all cost.

Sarah POV 

Wow, I have never seen a little up close before. She looked adorable and the ballerina outfit. Oh wait until I tell Mark about this. He would love to hear this.

To satisfy your curiosity, yes I am a mommy dom and my husband is a daddy dom. We have had a little before but it did not work out. We want a pure little, only someone to love and care for. Anyone who sleeps with a little is disgusting, they should be loved and cared for, not treated like sex objects.

I wonder how the Dunhill's would treat their little. I would love to have for a little. Oh to have a little girl to dress up and play with. 

I want her, I really really want to have her.


Sarah, the cook, is cooking up the a storm, wouldn't you say.

BTW, A MASSIVE THANK YOU!! To all of the readers, please comment let me know who you are and tell me what you think. Oh and please vote!!

 Love.Peace. And Chicken Grease


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