Two Sides of the Same Coin

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Allie POV

I can't sleep. 

Even though I have James to my left and Jarvis on the right, my body, my soul know that there is something wrong, that someone is missing.

Where is Josh? At this point, I don't care if does not want kids or want a dozen cats, I just want him to be near me.

I crawl out from between my two lovers and go to the end of my bed and fall to my knees. 

"Look, God, Allah, Buddha, whoever is up there. I don't know if you know me but my name is Allie. I am a little and a lover to three amazing brothers. I love them all equally. I am missing one of them. I don't know if you could help me. But please wherever he is, please let him come home to me. I don't care about the children, I just want one of the loves of my life back in my life and in my bed."

I say this to whoever could help me, who would help me. 

"Babe, what are doing down?" Jarvis ask me.

No point of lying to the man.

"I was praying for Josh, I want him to comeback home."

"Honey, when he is ready, he will come home. I know he will." he reply. 

"Ok." I say with my head on his shoulder.

"Come on now, come to bed, or would you prefer to go to in you crib?" He asked me.

You know what, I am feeling to stressed out and the only thing that would calm me down may just be going in my headspace.

"I wanna go sweep daddy." I reply in my little voice.

"Ok honey lets get you in bed" he says.

Daddy lifts me up and carries me into my room and drops me in my crib. He gives me a bottle, a paci, and a stuffie. 

"Good night baby" he says

I wave at him. I don't want to talk, I want to sleep.

Jarvis POV

  We would not be going through this if Josh wasn't such a selfish prick. I mean, he knew that eventually that kids would be in picture. We all wanted a family, this is what we have been waiting for, hell what I have been waiting for.

I need him to get his act together and quickly.

The phone begins to ring. Who the hell calls someone at 5 in the morning?

(*AN: No but seriously, there are people who call at this ungodly hour and it bugs the crap out of me. It makes me want to disconnect the phone line.*)

"What do you want" I say to the person on the other end of the line.

"We have your brother." they reply.

What the fuck!!

"Who the hell are you and why should I believe you?"

"Talk to your brother, let him know your alive for now." the person on the phone says.

"Jar, you got to help me! Its -" is all I heard over the phone before the prior voice comes back on.

"Where the hell are you? Give me my brother back you son of bitch!"

"I may do that and I may not. That all depends on what you could do for me. I'll call you later with more instructions."

Shit, I need to talk James about this.

James POV

You ever had a bad feeling, I mean one of those feelings that you feel in your gut that something is wrong. Like life or death wrong. My feeling was confirmed when Jarvis wacked me awake and dragged us into our secret office behind the bookcase. We only go into this office when we have business that we don't want anyone from the government to out very own little to discover.

"Josh has been kidnapped." Jarvis tells me.

"Shit, who the fuck took him?" I responded.

"I don't know, he was going to tell me but the person cut him off."

"Do we know what they want?"

"No, they said they would call with instructions."

"How the fuck did this happen?"

"That is a question we are going to ask him when I finally get my hands around his neck."

"Lets just hope that he is alive when you do so." Jarvis says.

The phone rings.

Let the games begin.

Josh POV

"You will never get away with this, you mother fucker!" I scream.


"You know, you got a lot of balls for a dude who is about to be on his death bed."

"Leave him alone" a voice cries of the from the darkness, there is only one light in this warehouse and it directly above me.

The voice comes closer to me.

"Its been a while. Son" he says in a disgusted tone.

"Father." I say just as disgusted.

I can not believe that fucker has the nerve to come back to town, much less kidnap one of us.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You will find out soon enough." he reply's.


Whose got two thumbs and really bad daddy issues!

I'll give you a hint

They are the main male characters in the book

Anyway, its been a long time but I promise, I am not dead.

School is almost over and I will be able to update and finish the book before 2017. #endofyeargoals

Thank you all so much for the support. The votes, comments and reads.

*Blows a billions kisses at your face, yeah, your face!*

See ya soon

And remember to vote, read, and comment.

Love.Peace. And Chicken Grease.


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