No You Won't

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Alessia POV

Even though I agreed to become their woman, that will not come into effect until my 18th birthday, which is in two weeks. I have never been so excited to age. I will lose my virginity and have children and still be a baby girl. In the words of Hannah Montana, I get the best of both worlds (**AN: Great Show, horrible ending.)

"Alright baby, daddies are off to work now, be good, ok?" baba says

"Otay, bye" I say. I get to have fun with Ms. Sarah.

My daddies leave and I am in the living room in piggy oneise. (**An: Anyone know good site to order oneise from, I want one.) I see Ms.Sarah comes in and she looks kinda sad. I know what will cheer her up: my piggy impression. I was making baba crack up like crazy this morning.

"Swarah, Swarah, wanna heared joke?"

"Sure" she gives me a sad smile.

"Oink. Oink. I is piggy. Little PIGGY!!!"  I say.

"Oh, and what a cute little piggy you are! But I want to talk to big Allie today, can I speak to her please?" Sarah ask.

What is up with everyone wanting to he older version of myself? Can I please just stay a baby for a little bit? (**AN: Just a liitle, Just a little bit.... R-E-S-P-E-C-T *Bet ya'll know nothing about that song... Comment the song, w/o the aid of google)

"Whats up chump?" I ask.

"I heard your daddies talking about you becoming their woman, and I want you to know that you don't have to that. You are a little and you deserve to be treated as one ONLY. But don't fret my pet, Ms.Sarah is going help you get away from them so  you could be a true little."

Ms.Sarah say what now?

What is up with her? I mean, do I understand where she is coming from? No, this is none of her business, she is the maid and my nanny, nothing more and nothing less. An what does she mean she is going to help me? Is she going to take me away? Oh now she won't, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.

I need to find a way away from her and contact my daddies as soon as possible. 

Operation: Get-Away-from-Crazy-Lady-and-Get-To-Daddies-ASAP in full effect

First: Fake being little.

"Ms.Swarah, I go play now?" I ask her.

"Sure sweetie, I will call you down when I have a snack ready for you." she says

Second:  Find away to contact daddies.

I download the WhatsApp on my Ipad. Usually use it to send funny faces to them and they make faces back to me. And I text them I love them and pictures of my stuffies and me playing. But now, I need to tell them to save me from this crazwy lady. I knew something was wrong with her, I knew it.

**Text Messages: Group Chat**

BabyGirl: Dada, Baba, Daddy, you have to come home NOW!! Ms. Sarah is  gonna take me away from you.

Dada: Stay in room and lock the door.

Baba: Try to block the door with something heavy, like you crib or dresser. We are the way!

Daddy: Why is she trying to take you away in the first place? We are on the highway

BG: She overheard the conversation we were having about me being your babygirl and woman. She doesn't agree with it, Help me daddies I am sacred!! Where are you!!

Dada: We are 2 minutes away, ok baby just stay calm ok?

"Honey, are you ok, snack is ready. Why is the door lock, open the door baby. Its ok." Sarah says.

"Umm, WAIT!!" I shouted.

BG: She is outside my door, what I do?

Daddy:  We are here, stay in your room. We will deal with Ms. Sarah.

Jarvis POV

I can not believe that Ms.Sarah would want to kidnap our baby girl. I don't have to look over to Josh to see the smug look on his face. It would be screaming "I TOLD YOU SO!" 

We go up the stairs to Sarah trying to coax our baby girl out of her room.

"Oh hello sir, I was trying to get little Allie of her room, she locked the door. I have no idea why." she says.

"Sarah, we need to talk, step away form our baby girls door." I say.

" Sir, about what" Really, the bitch want to play dumb.

"About how you plan to kidnap our little because you disagree with our lifestyle."

"Where on earth did you get that idea?" she asked

"Allie told us. We are done talking. I am feeling a bit generous, you have 5 minutes to gather your materials and leave our home, a severance check will be mail  to you. Thank for your service." James says nicely.

Her demeanor changes.

"What you plan on doing to this beautiful little girl is wrong, she deserves to be little forever. I am going to stop you, I don't know how but I will. Mommy is going to save you, ok Alllie-bear. Mama going to save you." She states screaming not only at my brothers and I but to Allie through the door.

She runs out. My brothers and I look at each other, we are going to have to beef up security around here.

"Its  ok little one, she is gone now. You can come out." Josh says. He hear some rustling going on through the door and then she opens up.

"Baba, Daddy, Dada you came!" she says safely in Joshes arms.

"Of course babe, we would let her take her away from use. You are ours and we are yours." I tell her.

Karen POV

Its been  a couple of days since Levi gave me my order to acquire the Dunhills baby girl. This is work out great for the both of us, I get back at my former bosses and he gets a little. And I now have the perfect plan.

Apparently in a week and a half, a certain little girl is turning 18, and in Dunhill fashion, she will be the belle of the ball. 

And I will bring the best gift of all, a new daddy.


Oh My Sugar Honey and Ice Tea!!

Its about to go down.

Come on, tell me how you feel?

Do you think Karen will be successful or will someone cause some rain on her parade?

Are ready for this jelly?

Please Vote and Comment.

Love.Peace.And Chicken Grease.


Daddies Little Helper {DDLG} (#Wattys 2016)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora