Ain't it Amazing

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Allie POV

I can't believe that jerk. He hit me. Is that how he treats the one he loves? That is sick. I need to get out of here. I can not wait for my daddies to get here, I have got to leave.

I take the peek outside the door and I see him sitting on the bed. Ok, well walking out this door is not an option. Maybe I can use the window, I look out the window and it looks lovely. I look down from the window, and get very nauseous. (What? I have deadly fear of heights.) We are about 35 stories above ground. If I jump, I am jumping right into the arms of death.

But, I can not stay here. Maybe, there is something in this bathroom that could help me. I literally trashed the room and all I have to show for this is a couple of blades and shampoo. 

What to do, What to do....

You know, I am going to use these blades and cut the home skillet biscuit if he comes for me. I don't need my daddies or my parents. I am not a little kid anymore. I'm a grown woman, I can do what ever I want.(An: Beyonce Reference!!)  

I exit the room, the blades behind my back and stay close to wall.

"Baby Girl, I am so sorry. Daddy didn't mean hit you." he says in tears.

"Ok" I response.

"You forgive daddy, right?"

"Ok" I response.

"Good" he breathes, "You love daddy right?"

"I love my daddies" I say. What? I am not going to lie to the man, no matter what state of mind he is in.

"Do you love me, Allie?"

"I do not love you. I love my daddies. I just want to go home to them." I say.

" I FUCKING LOVE YOU!! Why don't you understand?"

"You can't force me to love you. That is not how love works. You are an amazing guy, but you are not the one for me." I said softly, hoping to diffuse the situation 

"But, I want you and if I can't have you. why should anyone else?" he asks himself more then me.

As this whole exchange has been going on, I have moving myself closer to the door, which he conveniently left open. You know, I am just going to scurry on out of here.

He pulls something out of his ankle, and it just happen to be a gun. A Smith Wesson to be exact. Why me Lord, why me! I literally bought knife to a gun fight!

"If I can't have you no one can." he says. Like that is a good reason to commit what I assume a murder-suicide.

Jesus, if you exist, don't let me die today!


The door swings open and gets who finally shows up.

My Daddies!!!

Yes! Thank you J-Dog!

"Put the gun down Levi, it over!" Dada said.

Damn they look fine. Oh I ama have a good time tonight.

"Baby girl, come over!" Daddy said.

Shoot, you aint got to tell me twice. I quickly went over to their side and hide behind them.

It was literally the stand off of the century.

Levi POV

"How did you find me?" I ask with my gun pointed toward them.

"That doesn't matter, we are done with you business-wise and otherwise." Jarvis states.

"In fact, you are under the arrest for the kidnapping of Alessia Parker Dunhill." an officer enters the room with his gun drawn.

"I want her" I say in a dazed, my mind already made up with what to do.

"You can not have her, put the gun down" the officer states.

"Please come to me, Allie Baby" I say.

"No" I hear her say.

I have no choice, I raise the gun to my head. I hear a choir of voices in slow motion as my finger is pressed against the trigger. Suddenly, I feel a force against my abdomen, a force so strong, it knock the gun out of my hand before I was able to complete the deed.

I am pushed to my stomach on the ground with police yelling at me. This is it, the punishment for kidnapping a little is the death penalty. I am ok with that. I willing to die for the one I love.

(AN:Let us all have a moment of silence of Levi's Sanity. May he rest in peace.)

Jarvis POV

She is back. 


In my arms.

Granted, she is sleeping, exhausted from the events from the past week and a half. But she is in my arms. And not in that fucker arm's.

"Look at my baby" James whispers, stroking her hair. 

"How lucky are we to have her in our lives" Josh states, staring at her lovingly.

"We can't ever let her go, not again." I state.

My brothers nod in agreement.

She begins to stir from her sleep and open her eyes. We are looking her as she is looking at us.

I honestly can not wait to hear our baby girls first words to us.

"What the hell took you so damn long?"

That was not the reaction I was expected.

"I can not believe, it took you a little over a week to rescue me. I cried and waited and cried more and you took so long."

"Baby, we are so sorry it took long, but it won't  happen again." I say to her.

"You know what, I do not believe you. Before I met you guys, I was self-sufficient. I did everything on my own and I was fine. Sure, I was alone but I was Ok. Then you guys come in, and granted it was fun and for the first time I felt loved" she says with tears in her eyes.

"But, this was too much. It was beautiful guys but I can't do this."

"No, I won't let you go" Josh states.

"You don't have a choice, I am 18, an adult. So, I can leave." she say.

And with that, she gets up, out of the bed, and walks out.


Hey Guys...

So, today I found out that a close friend of mine has past.

But I wanted you guys to have a chapter before I take a little break.

But it won't be long I promise.

I just need some time to myself.

I love you all and thank you for the support *Blows Kisses!*

Love.Peace. And Chicken Grease.


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