Distance Makes The Heart Grow? Right?

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Allie POV

I need to leave, that is the health thing for me to do right now.

Have you ever been in love? I mean, so hard that it feels like if the person was going to leave you, it would be like having your heart ripped out of your chest.

And at this very moment, I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest and being river danced on. 

So yeah, its time for me to bounce.

"No, no no! I have lost you once and I will not lose you again!" I hear by the doorway. I look to see Jarvis, arm-cross and glaring at my suitcase.

"He won't commit, there is no point of being here if I can't have all of you. And if that makes me selfish, I don't care! I love you, and him, and James! I want it all!" I said.

James pulls him me close to him.

"Give him time. He will come around, he will not be able to resist his feelings towards you, none of us can." he says while stroking my back.

He is right, Josh will come around at his own time. Plus, I said I would not run away from them. They are more than just my daddies, they are my lovers as well. And lovers do not run away from each other but towards one another.

Ok, now that I have dealt with this emotional shit. I have the strongest urge for pickles, like dill pickles.

"Hey, we got pickles in the pantry?" I ask Jarvis.

"Maybe, why?" he response.

"I want pickles, Dills Pickles" I said.

He looked at me and chuckled, kissed me on my forehead and began to leave my room.

"Unpack that bag and you can have all the pickles you desire."he says with wink.

Oh, daddy, he knows just what to say to make me feel better.

Josh POV (*AN: Awww, snap, crackle, and POP!)

One word: FUCK!

I can't believe this, I can't believe I said that!

But, I mean, come on. I am young and I want to have fun and be with my girl. I don't want some little snot nose child cutting into my fun.

After my argument with Allie and my brothers, I decide to go to my friend place.

Malcolm is an good friend of mine and my brothers. He is a daddy dom as well. He has a 'son'.

I ring the doorbell and wait for him to open up., He is a good person to go if you have a problem, in this case me.

He opens up with Max on his hip, crying up a storm.

"Is it a bad time?" I say.

"No, not at all. Please enter my lovely abode while I have a sick 1 year to deal with." he says with a mixture of sass and sarcasm.

I enter anyway, while taking Max from him.

"Hey, Maxxy pants. It's ok, calm down. Your favorite uncle is here." I say, managing to calm him down.

"You just have to come with your whole 'baby whisper' routine and make me feel like a bad dad." he says taking his sleeping child away from me.

I just chuckle and make my way over to his bar and pour myself a hard one.

"So, what's up? You rarely come around ever since you got your baby girl."

"To make a long story short, she wants commitment and I don't. She wants kids, I don't. And now, I am questioning our whole relationship" I explain to him.

"Look, I am not your dad, so I am not going to tell you to suck it up and run back to girl and beg for forgiveness. I am not even going to tell you that you should talk to her about your feelings so that she understands where you are coming from. I am going to ask you, what do you want to do?"

See, here is a thing about Malcolm, he will never directly give you advice because he believes that everyone should find there way, but he has no problem tell you what not to do. Trust me, he is the same way with Max now, maybe max will tell you about it. 

(*AN: Do you smell another book in this may-become-a-series, because I know I do) 

Honestly man, I want to party and let loose. So, i am going to call up some guys and head to a club, you in?" I say.

He gives me his disapproving dad face. 

"Well, I have a sick child to tend to, so my friend, before you raise a glass for me, how about you think about your relationship to ... everyone." he says.

Whatever, my best pal is on baby duty and my brothers are with our girl. I got a couple buddies who I know are free. I am going to have me a guys night out.

*2 Hours Later...

Go Girl, It's ya Birthday, Turn Around, I Know Thirsty, Say YAAAAAA...

This club is popping. I go my boys Jimmy, Marcus, Carlos, and Denis. There are bottles for my boys and the girls surrounding us.

"Yo, its lit up in here!" Jimmy says with two girls grinding up on him.

He is not lying, it is lit, but I am not having fun. I mean, yeah, I have a smile on my face, but in my heart of hearts, I am missing my bros and my baby girl. If I were home right now and she was in her head space, we would be getting ready for bedtime and if not, we would be cuddled on the couch.

I look around in this club, looking at the faces of people who only want me either for my money, my connections, or my power. 

None of these people love me, not like my brothers and girl do.

Its hilarious that it takes me being in this situation  to realize how good I have it at home.

I need to get out of here.

Uber or Drive.

I mean, I only had a couple of drinks. I don't feel drunk .

I'll drive, whats the worst that can happen?


OMG, What is the worst that can happen?

Better yet, Will the worst happen?

Anyway, thank you for the love and the support and the reads and the votes and the comment. I really appreciated it. =)<3

So yeah, I am giving one more adventure before I close this book out...

Guys, its been a journey, lets keep it going till the end.

Love.Peace.And Chicken Grease


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