The Belle of the Ball

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Alessia POV

Today is the day!!! Today is my Birthday!!!

(**AN: If it is anyone birthday, I publish this or when you read this, Happy Birthday and hope you have many more!!XOXO)

I have been waiting for this day, ever since my daddies told me about wanting me as a woman and their baby. We even worked out a schedule: I am a baby during the day and night time comes around, I am a woman, their woman. 

After much deliberation and a couple of puppy eyes, we agreed on a little party. I have made so many new friends at the little daycare I go to now. Daddies won't let me stay at home alone especially since their a crazy lady after me.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Allie, Happy Birthday to you!!" all my daddies sing to me. I smile and laugh, it was funny.

"Tank you daddies!" I say as daddy picks me up.

"Well, let begin the festivities! First, we have an at home manicure, pedicure, the whole nine. Your dress is almost ready and the venue is almost decorated. And the best part is that we have a private plan that is going to take us to Greece and we will have 2 weeks of 'fun' in the sun." baba says.

I clap my hands in happiness. Yay!

The doorbell rung. The pretty people are here and they are going to make me pretty.

Although my daddies tell me I am pretty every single day.

Anyway, my hair is finished and so is my nail and dress. I look pretty. I look over to the clock, it says 7:30pm. My party starts in 30 mins. It's gonna take at least an hour to get there. 

"Daddy, Baba, Dada, we are going to be late come on.!" I yell.

"Ok young lady, relax it's ok for the princess to be late for her own party," Dada says.

Well then, ok.

We all go outside to see a hummer limo. And it's pink, my favorite color.

I smile at my daddies.

"Nothing but the best for my baby girl." Daddy says.

***Time skip to the party***

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLIE!!!!" all my guest yell.

"Yeah!! Thank you!" I say back.

My party is amazing. All the little friends I made are here and their daddies and mommies. Even my friend Lily is here. Lily and I became friends at the daycare. She is nice and super funny.

"Lily! You come!" I said, running to her.

"Yeah, I bring gift, show you now!" she said.

I follow her to the big table, it has a lot of gifts. She goes over to the one that has pink wrapping paper.

"Here, open!" she says.

I am about to unveil what may be the best gift ever when I hear,

"What do you think you are doing little girl?" Daddy ask.

"I open present?" I said.

"Not until it's time, come over hear and greet guest!" he replies.

But I don't want to greet guest, I want to open presents.

I stomp my foot and begin the throw a tantrum. It's my party and I will cry if I want to!

My daddy reaches over to grab me and a runaway.

He ruined my birthday.

Karen POV

It looks like the  brothers have made the birthday girl made. Their error is my blessings.

I approached her with caution. The goal is to her out of  the building so I can get her in the car. 

"Hello Sweetie, why are crying? Today is your birthday!" I say sweetly.

"Mah Daddies meanie!" she says

"Oh no, well that's not fair, Isn't it?" I reply. "I have an idea, if you close your eyes and follow me, I am to show a daddy that is not a meanie, Wouldn't that be nice, honey?"

"Yeah, where duh daddy, he here?" she asks.

"Uh uh, you have to close your eyes and be silent, we don't want to scare the daddy away!" I remind her.

"Otay" she says and closes her eyes.

This is like taking candy from a baby.

I grab her hand and begin leading her away from the party. I am looking over my shoulder every couple of minutes to make sure I am not seen. Once we get farther away, I open my bag with the rag of chloroform and put to her mouth. She does struggle a bit but in the end, she succumbed.

I carried her to a a unmarked van that had a driver I hired.

"She out, lets go!" I say.

We drive off. Man, this feels great! I am about to collect a large bounty and stick it to my old bosses. I feel great. I wonder, if they know she gone.

James POV

"Alright, its time to cut the cake! Where is the birthday girl?" I say.

I expected to hear a little girl screaming down towards me and this amazing birthday cake. But there is only a murmur. 

"Allie baby, come up here baby" I say again.

Once again, My brothers  and I are met with silence. Where is this little girl?

"Does anyone know where Allie is?" I said to the crowd.

"She go to new daddy!" a little screamed.

"WHAT?!?" Josh roared "Who said that?"

"My little did." I see Kaden come forward with his Lily, I know she  is Allie best friend.

She seems a bit a frighten and with good reason she is going to have to explain herself to three very angry daddies.

Kaden holds his little while she tells all of us what happens,

"Well, a lady said she bring Allie to new daddy because otter daddies are mean. And I follow them and she take Allie and put a blanket on her face. And then she put her in big black car." Lily says.

"Do you remember the plate number?" one of the mommies ask.

I recognized her as the police chief. She has two littles.

"Yep" and she said it out loud.

"I am going to have my best men on this, We are going to get her back for you." She tells me.

I hope she does.

We will find you and we will make sure the person responsible will pay.


Lord Sweet Jesus!!!!

Little Allie is gone!!

Will she ever go back?


Love.Peace.And Chicken Grease.


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