History Lessons

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Jarvis POV

Who the fuck was that, and why did they take my brother? But there is a bigger issue at hand, do we tell Allie about this or do we keep her in the dark?

"James, we can not tell Allie!" I say to him. "This will crush her. It's bad enough that she may think that she is the reason why Josh walk out in the first place. Now if she hears that he has been kidnapped, she gonna go dark on us man and I can't have my baby girl go through this!" he explains.

I mean, he is right, this will crush her. But I don't like secrets. And if we don't tell her, she may find out some other way and that may hurt her. This does not work out in anyone favor. "I say we tell her, look we don't tell her and she finds out, she is going to think that we don't trust her and trust is the foundation of any successful relationship." I plead.

I look at James and see him in deep thought, like he is contemplating my words. I can see he is about to say something when we heard a voice that can put us on our needs.

"You don't have to contemplate anymore James, I already know." Allie says.

We both look toward the doorway.

"I have been standing here for a while and while I see the justification in both sides, I would prefer to know my dears." she explains.

That's my Allie, my beautiful and understanding Allie.

"Now, I am sacred and worried over Josh. How do we get him back?" she says getting into a more productive mode.

"They say, they will call so now we are just waiting for that." James explains.

"While we are waiting, do you guys know who would want to hurt anyone of you, do have any enemies that would want to hurt you in such a personal manner?" she asks.

And I began thinking, like really thinking. I am trying to figure out who wants to to hurt my family so bad.

And then it hit me.

And then the phone rang.

James POV

The phone.

(AN*: The phone. The phone is ringing. The phone. We'll be right there. The phone. The phone is ringing. There's an animal in trouble. There's an animal in trouble. There's an animal in trouble somewhere. I am sorry, I had to do it. Comment the show this is from if you know!)

We are all looking at the phone.

And it ringing.

"Well, one of us is going to have to answer the phone." Allie says

"I'll do it." Jarvis says.

"Make sure you put it on speaker." Allie mentions before Jarvis pick it up.

"Hello" Jarvis says.

"Well, well, well, isn't it my favorite son in the world" a voice says.

A voice that I thought would never hear again comes through the phone.

*Flash Back* 

"Are you ready?" I ask my brothers. Our fathers has called us into his office. We all know what this about. My father is going to decide which one of will be running the business. We all made a deal that no matter who gets the company, we would all help each other out.

I open the door to see something I would never forget. 

My father.

Beating the crap.

Out of our mother.

There she was on the ground crouching trying to avoid his blows as he screams derogatory words at her.

"You fucking bitch, how could you be so stupid. You know I only wear black socks with these shoes. Have I not taught you nothing these past years. Do I need to knock more sense into you dumb brain!"

By that point, we were already pulling him off  over her. "How could you do this to our mother?" Josh yelled at him while Jarvis was helping my mother.

"What you are going to learn real soon kid is that all women need a firm hand in order to know how to act around you." He says with his eyes cold as a winter night.

I can't believe the same father that I grew up with was the man in front of me right now. I go over to phone and call the cops.

Josh has my father corned in another room. Jarvis is tending to my mother. And I am looking at some of the documents, I notice that my father was going to give the company to Jarvis, that much is clear. But looking closely at some of the financial  documents, I see more negative balances than positive ones. Than I realize that my father was going to hand my brother a sinking ship of a company.

The cops have arrived and my father is in handcuffs. As they were taking him away, I got in his face. "You son of bitch, you are giving Jarvis a sinking ship of a company."

"Good Luck, trying to provide for yourself with nothing to go on." he says then spits in my face. The cops takes him away.

And that was the last time I ever saw or heard from him.

*End of Flashback*

"What do you want?" Jarvis ask our father.

"Well, is that how you greet dear old dad? Well then, I am going to have to cut this conversion short and kill your brother."

"No! Just, what do you want?" he repeats.

"Well, there are several things I would like, but lets start off small. Now do you remember the company I gave to you. The one that James called a 'sinking ship'? Well apparently it is not a sinking ship anymore. In fact according to my research, it the party bus of the sea. I want money, a lot of it."

"How much?" Jarvis says.

"I think 20 million should suffice for now, and they we could talk logistics later."


"I will call later with a drop off location. Oh and bring your brother and your sweet baby girl. I have heard she is a looker." he says with a laugh at the end.

"You leave her out of this, You heard you old bastard!" Jar screams.

All he got was a dial tone.

Fuck. Our Life.


Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

I am here, but not back.

Lets explain. I am still in school, in fact I took a winter class.

So I am tired, and I failed most of you but saying I would have the story finished by 2016 but I have not. But fear not they are about 4 parts left to end the plot and start anew.

So I am back for now. 

Thank you for the love and support in my absence and I hope to make you proud.

Peace. Love. And Chicken Grease


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