We All Fall Down

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Allie POV

Not Pregnant 

That is what I read on the pregnancy test. 

Wow, I mean, I wasn't, I mean, I am way too young to have a child. But it would not have been so bad.

I get out of our bathroom with the test in my hand. I began to wonder around the house. I look at the various rooms we have and just begin to imagine them as children's room. I can see my sons room filled with cars because those Dunhills love their cars, I know they would probably get hooked from the beginning. They would buy him race cars and build a huge race track on his room. They would take him to the race tracks and probably put him in a car without my knowledge.

I walk into another room and imagine it being my little girls room. Oh she would be a true princess. She would have a her daddies wrapped around her fingers and toes. She would have everything her heart desire. And her brothers and dads would so protective of her. She wouldn't have a boyfriend until she was 30 or later. I would love her to the moon and back.

"Honey, we're home!" I hear Jarvis yell from the foyer.

I head downstairs to give my wonderful partners dinner.

 I enter the kitchen with a slight smile and begin handing them dinner.

"Hey, is everything ok?" James ask.

"I took a pregnancy test today." I said looking away. When I turn to look at them, they are all looking at me. One looks afraid, one looks worry, and one does not have an emotion on his face.

"Well, what was the result?" Jarvis ask.

"Here" I showed them. 

They all look at the test. Josh looks relieve, James looks sad and once again Jarvis has no reaction.

"Thank God, cause we are not ready to have a bunch of snot nose kids running around here." Josh says.

I couldn't believe that he would say something like that. 

"Wow, Josh, just wow." I walk out of the kitchen and began to head to my room.

James followed me.

"I want kids" James says from my doorway. "Tons, actually an army." 

I began to giggle, I couldn't help myself, he was always the funniest out of all my daddies.

"But Dada doesn't and I don't know what daddy thinks." I said with tears coming down.

"They'll come around...eventually." he says.

But I don't want a false hope. I want to know that if this relationship is going to continue that no matter what happens, I have everyone support. 

"I am glad that you are on broad the parent train, but if Jarvis is not and James is not, then maybe I need to reevaluate our realtionship. I love you all, truly I do, but I want to progress. If you all are not with me, you will be left behind." I say with tears streaming down my face.

I get up and leave my room, with James in it.

James POV

You ever have one of those days where you hate your siblings so much you wish they never made it past the third trimester. No, well I am currently having one. I mean, they had to have known that once we took this relationship to this level that she was going to need more of a commitment from us.

"Guys, get your ass in the office RIGHT NOW!" I yelled.

I enter the room pacing, waiting to the two idiots that are some how related to me. 

They both enter the room.

"Sit down!"

"You don't tell me what to do" Jarvis says.

I get right up in his face. "Sit your ass down right now." I said as a deadly whisper.

He makes the wise decision and sits down with our younger brother. 

"So lets get this straight, we have found the perfect woman, one who satisfy all our needs and fetishes. All she wants is for our relationship to grow, like any relationship. She wants more commitment, she wants children and you two are not willing to do that. My only question is why? "

"Look, I am way to young to be a dad, in fact I don't want to be one. I just want the my girl." Josh says.

"You know, that is very selfish of you, she may not want to be with someone who doesn't want kids" I explain to him.

"She doesn't have that choice, she is just as much mine as she is yours and Jarvis." he says.

"You are not going to force her to do a damn thing. If she does not want to be with you. She will not be with you." I tell him.

He looks pissed off, but he knows what I said is true.

"And what about Jar, you had no reaction to her pregnancy announcement."

"Look, I don't know how to feel. I have never thought about having a kids or kids. But at the end of the day, I just want my Allie to be happy. And if kids is one of those things, then I will sallow my pride and fear and give her army." Jarvis says looking up at me.

We both look to Josh. I understand that he is the youngest out of us, but he needs to grow up wit the rest of us, or he is going to lose the best girl he has every had.

"Look bro-" Jarvis starts off but is immediately cut off by Josh.

"No you listen, I am not like you all I want just want to live my life with my girl. If she doesn't like it, there is a girl out there that will." He says and then he gets up and moves to leave the room and then stops.

I look back to see him stop his tracks. I lean around him only too see my beautiful little girl with tears in her eyes.

She walks right up to Josh and says "If you don't like my needs and desires then you can stay the hell away form me."



Is the trio gonna become a duet?

Will things go back to the way to use to be?

Is fall not the best season ever?


See you around town!

I love you guys, thanks for sticking with me!

Remember Vote.Comment.Read.

Love.Peace.Chicken Grease.


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