Is It Too Late...

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Allie POV

After talking to Sarah, I realized that she was right, I do know what to do.

And I am going to do it.

But, first, a girl needs to have some fun. Its like a mission. 

Operation Get-My-Daddies-Back is now in full effect.

Phase One: Actually meet up together.

So I called up their office and talked their assistant, who was male. Finally got rid of that hoes.

He gave me an appointment for this afternoon. I have a couple outfit choices but decide to go with a white and cream mix with denim and gold accents. 

I am feeling a series of emotions: anxious, scared, and overall nervousness

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I am feeling a series of emotions: anxious, scared, and overall nervousness. I mean, it has been a long time since I have been in the same room and I don't know how I will react to me and how I will react to them. Geez Louise!

I am standing in from of there building, it's a bit nerve-wracking. Ok, Come one girl, you got this, go do ya thang!

I enter the building with my head held high and confidence in my body.

I go up to the floor receptionist and before I even greet him he says:

"Welcome to Dunhill Industries Alessia, My name in Greg and I will be escorting you to you meeting with your dadd- I mean the Dunhills." He says.

Well, ok then.

We are walking over to the elevators when he begins to speak.

"You know, I am current in a relationship as well. It is going great, I mean yeah we have our issues from time to time, but we love each other more." 

I was curious to know what kind of issues they are going through.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is the issue?"

"Kids, I have a rare genetic abnormally that allows to me have to children. I would love to have kids and one of my daddies are totally for it but one is against it and just doesn't care. Its difficult but I have a plan to get what I want" he explains to me confidently.

Wow, just wow. I wish I was that confident in my own relationship, hell even in my own life.

"We are here!" he says excitedly. "I wish you all the best and I hope that we could meet up super soon." he actually kissed me on my cheek and walked away.

Well better late than ever.

I enter the room and there they are. Sitting in their respective chairs, they are looking at me and I am looking at them.

"Ms. Dunhill, it's a pleasure to see you. What can we help you with?"

"You can help me with my heart. Its been broke since I left you."

"You made that choice." James stated.

"True, I just had to work somethings out, but you know what?"

"What" Jarvis ask.

"A wise woman once told me that her love is what drives demons away. And what I know is that your love drove my demons. There was so much missing in my life that you filled up so heavily and so quickly it was scary. But now, I understand. Yeah it took some time and space. But I realize that I love you. I love you whether I am baby Allie or big Allie. And the love you have given and I hoe you will continue to give me is enough to keep my demons at bay. So will you please, please, take me back. And continue to love me please?" I beg them, tears steaming down my face. I have literally bared my heart and soul to them, my only shinning lights. All I want to be taken into their arms and babied and loved and..... even more babying.

"Yes" Josh says. 

Wait, did he just say yes. He said yes!

But only he said yes, what about the other ones, don't they want me as well?

"Um, Jarvis, James, do you want me back as well?" I ask shyly.

They glanced at each other, almost as if they were silently communicating.

"We do... but we want to know that you agree with all of our conditions." James said

"Yes" I response

"You haven't heard the conditions yet" Jarvis points.

"I doesn't matter. I will do whatever needs to be done to be yours again." I said and I meant that. I want nothing more to be with them.

"Still, I want to let you to know them: If you have a problem, you come to us, not run in the opposite direction. You are not only our baby girl but our woman as well. We will go into that later. If you stand there and say our love is what helps you with your demons, then allow us to help you. We love you and we would love to have you back." James says while Jarvis is nodding.

I got them back. I got my daddies back.

I run up to baba and jump into his arms. He, of course, catches me and puts me on hips.

"Lets go home and in a onesie huh baby girl." Josh says.

"Wes baba"  I say with my head on his shoulder.

As I exit the building, I see Greg sitting at his desk. He glances up at me and see me on my baba shoulder. He blows a kiss at me and make a signal to call him. Maybe he wants to have a playdate.

We go in the car and head home. God I miss this, I miss them. Oh my god, I can't wait to go in my room, see all my stuffies, have a warm bottle and a diaper. Jesus H. Christ, using the big girl potty is hard.

"We are here baby girl." Daddy says as he picks me up out of my car seat.

We enter the house and go straight to my room. I guess my daddies want me to fall into my headspace quickly. they work together to get me outside of my big girl clothes and into a onesie.

"Ok honey, it time to take a nap ok. Here is your bot, and we will see you in two hours." Jarvis says. They all give me a kiss on my forehead and leave me to nap.

It feels amazing to be back, back again.


I know you guys have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

So I have given to you.

Sadly there are only a couple more parts left to d

But don't fret, my pets

There will be tons a spin-off and I am even thinking about make this into series. Let me know how you feel about that.

Thank You so much for you Votes, Reads, Comments, and Shares!!

It mean the world and so much more to me.

Until next time, Lovelies Love. Peace. And Chicken Grease. ML

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