Here We Go Again

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Once we arrived Jonathan stayed in the car again saying "Listen I'll pick you up in about an hour." Evie sounded shocked, I just roll my eyes before saying, "Evie the man has had enough mummies for a life time, heck we all have. Besides we don't want little Jonathan to pee himself now do we?" Rick snickers as Jonathan reaches back and hits me over the head. "Hey! I'll have you know that... I am going to meet my ... lady friend..." He replies hesitantly, I shake my head smiling, "So you don't deny you would pee yourself." Jonathan claps his hands and exclaims "Right oh out you get!"

As we enter the great hall like room Alex's discovery is in Rick, Evie and Ardeth gasp loudly before Evie rushes to it and starts gushing over it. Rick slowly walks towards it with a proud grin on his face. "So this really does run in the family." Ardeth speaks from beside me making me jump. "Huh? What?" "The love for investigating dead peoples tomb and you know breaking the whole 'rest in peace' thing." He replies doing air quotes. I just nod not even knowing how to reply to it. Then just as if he had heard Ardeth from across the room Rick speaks, "Do the words 'rest in peace' mean anything to you two?" I let out a loud laugh drawing Rick's attention to me "That means you too Sky, cause if I'm not mistaken you've disturbed tombs more times than they have combined!" "What can I say Rick? I can't stand idly by as an adventure presents itself." I reply noting Alex's departure.

I grab Ardeth's hand and bring him over to the carriage, "It's amazing isn't it?" I ask. "It is truly amazing, I turn to see him staring at me, I feel a hot blush creep up my neck and spread over my face. Lowering my head I think 'only Ardeth can make me blush like a bimbo schoolgirl', and I realize how much I missed him. Whilst lost in my thoughts Ardeth had walked over to me and lifted my head by placing two fingers under my chin. "You have that far away look on your face again; what's going on?" He asks in a husky whisper. Sighing I stare into his chocolate brown eyes, "Everything y'know? It's crazy what happened over the last year and I don't know if it will ever be the same." Ardeth pulls me into a deep embrace his strong arms cocooning me into his hard chest, "It might not be the same but if I get you back I'll take what I get." I pull back and kiss him deeply, forgetting the stress and horror of the last year; just focusing on my love for him, for my husband.

But alas our moment was not meant to last as suddenly Rodger was there with four Chinese soldiers behind him... who had weapons... aimed at us... "I'm afraid your work is not done yet, Mr and Mrs O'Connell. And nor is yours Mrs and Mr Bay, although we did not plan for a family reunion." The leader a male general exclaims walking ahead of the other three. "I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. General Yang." Rodger speaks walking towards them. "You son of a bi-" I am cut off by Ardeth covering my mouth with no not his mouth unfortunately but his sweaty filthy hand. 'EWWW!' Rodger then also bring out a gun of his own. Slowly Ardeth and I make our way to Evie and Rick, "What you thinking Rick?" I ask tentatively "We've had worse odds before."

"Well he is the man who financed Alex's dig. We're in this together." Rodger explains, I look at Ardeth and he looks back at me subconsciously putting his hand on my stomach and shoulder and pushing me behind him whilst reaching for his gun. Yang bows towards the chest on the carriage, it is then I piece things together... the dragon emperor... the eye... "Oh God guys they're planning on bring him back!" I exclaim Rick looks over at me laughing slightly "Oh no! We can't do that, we kind of promised Alex not to wake this one up." ""Search them" Yang says before Rodger moves to search Rick whilst two of the other men search Ardeth and I. They take our guns, Evie speaks up "The Eye belongs to the Chinese people. You can't do this" Anger is clear in her voice but her comment falls on deaf ears. "So Rog, you snake, how much did.. Uhhh is it Yin and Yang? you?" Ricks asks as the general circles us. He grabs my shoulder turning me to him saying "Such a pity you are taken... oh well." This angers Ardeth as he punches the General only to be restrained by the men previously searching us. I zone out trying to think of a plan that doesn't evolve getting us killed whilst noticing two people watching from the area above, where I had found Ardeth. "Alex?" I whisper, low enough it draws no attention to me or the mystery people on-looking.

Suddenly I am jerked out of my thoughts as the General hits Rick and the woman soldier grabs Evie. I snap and rush to the woman hitting her and pushing Evie behind me. "NO ONE TOUCHES MY SISTER!" I pull the small gun out of my bra that the goons missed and point it at her. Soon it is a standoff as she and the other two goons draw on me as well. "Drop it!" Rodger shouts at me his gun still trained on Rick. "Not gonna happen Rog y'know why? I don't let people get away with hurting my family!" "Stop!" The general yells smiling like a serial killer, he throws the Eye to Evie shouting read the inscription whilst Rodger leads Rick to open the coffin. "Ancient Chinese isn't my forte." Evie says nervously as the general pulls out his gun and aims it at her. Ardeth moves in front of her quickly as the General speaks, "Here's some encouragement, Wilson!" And with that Rodger cocks his gun at Rick. "The inscription says that only a drop of blood from a person of pure heart can open the Eye."

"Get Miss Bay!" The General commands as both the men and the woman rush on me, I fight until one of them points their weapon at Ardeth and the General cocks his gun that is pointed as Evie. "So willing to fight and kill to protect your family, only stops fighting when they are at risk. Ha! I think we found our blood donor men." He taunts, struggling against their hold I curse at him, "I will kill you! You son of a b1tch!"

All that sounds as a reply is a gunshot... eyes wide with horror I gasp....


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