Past, present and a little bit of future

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 Later on that night Ardeth had fallen asleep near the fire, reluctantly pulling myself from his sleeping arms, I got up to have a small walk to calm my thoughts. As I passed Rick who was sitting up at the fire I told him "I'm going for a small walk to clear my head, I'll be back in about ten minutes." Rick gets up and nods pulling me into a hug handing me a handgun. "Just be safe. We all  need you to stick around for a bit longer." I nod and pull my hood up, I walk through the thick and heavy snow stopping to pull a blanket over Jonathan. I spare a look towards my nephew and Lin, they wold be a good couple, they already fight like one. Whilst traveling we had begun to talk and share stories, tales of our adventures mostly. She was a strong independent woman who had seen too much for her years, her eyes showed wisdom beyond her years and even beyond Jonathan's. I chuckle slightly as I set off for a walk, 'anyone could be more wiser than Jonathan at times though he would often surprise you. He got that from our dad I suppose.' Tears welled behind my eyes at the thought of my father, he was a kind man who could see the good in anyone or any situation. He wasn't like all the other dads of my friends he wasn't serious that often but when he was he gave advice that would help you for years to come. And then there was our mother, Evie looks the image of her but only with our dad's eyes, much like Evie our mother was head strong, smart and very over protective. 

The icy wind whipped my face as I stopped on an over look, it was a long fall if you slipped but I didn't plan on it. The sweet and innocent memories of my parents and my siblings soon faded from my thoughts as I took on a more serious topic. The emperor wasn't messing around and he had an army already on his side, never mind his powers as well, we were about to have war and I wasn't so sure my family could survive another. Regardless as always the promise I gave to my mother on her death bed was one I would take to mine...


 "H-honey" my mother's voice croaked as beads of sweat rested on her forehead. "I'm here ma, I'm here, don't worry. I'll go get the doc he's right out side with Evie and Jon." But before I can take a step she grabs my hand and speaks to me. "I wo-won't last much longer but before you get your brother and sister promise me something." Turning and kneeling next to her I look her in the eyes. "Anything ma, anything." "Pro-promise you'll look after them no matter what and keep them safe." "I promise." I spoke before running to the door and opening it and shoving my siblings inside. "Evie you've become such a beau-tiful girl, you could do anything you want to and Jonathan my sweet-sweet boy, please try to keep out of trouble for me." "I will mum I will try I promise." Jonathan speaks quickly, as our mother takes one last heaving breath before her light is extinguished. I wrap my grieving siblings into a hug as the doctor closes her eyes and covers her body. "We'll be alright. We'll get through this." I say trying hard to stop my voice from breaking. "h-how?" Evie sobs into my shoulder. "Like we always do; together." I whisper.

*flashback ends*

 Looking down over the over look I see faint fires in the distance, my gaze hardens as I turn back to camp to get some well needed rest for the incoming fight.

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