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I felt broken, my heart ached, I don't know how long I stood out there, I was lost, angry and confused. I was broken out of my thoughts when Jonathan turned me into his arms and held me, not saying a word, and that was all I needed right then and there. Why? Why? My mind was in turmoil as questions raced through my head. Why couldn't it be me...?

But at one time it was me, it was me when I fought to save Alex and get the bracelet off him...I died for my family...and I had no doubts no regrets as I lay there bleeding out. Ardeth he pushed me to my biological family...but he is my family too...but but he knew that I could never live with myself if anything happened to anyone because I didn't do anything to stop it. He knew whether he lived or died I had done everything I could for him in those 10 minutes after he got shot...he also knew I hadn't done everything for the rest of them to keep them safe in that moment and time. He knew how much it tore me apart after Alex was kidnapped and how I couldn't stop it. He knew...he knew...

My heart leaps as I remember what Lin's mother told me 'you were giving him a reason to come back.' He had faith that I would do everything I could do for him and held on through the pain...the suffering...the uncertainty. My resolve hardens as I realize even if he didn't wake up like Rick he was still alive. The emperor will be here sooner or later and I know that I will do everything I can to keep my family safe and not only my family; Lin and her mother also. I will give my life if I have to. I will do everything and anything. I'm not invincible but I'm not made of glass. Life does hurt and anything that is worth fighting for will cause you hurt and pain at one stage or another but its life and life only happens once. You live and you learn. You hurt and you cry. You breathe and you die. You laugh and you forget.

That's what makes live worth living...

I pull back from the warm embrace of my brother and kiss his cheek, before heading inside with him on my heels, I stride confidently into the room where Rick lays conscious and Ardeth unconscious.  "We will be okay, you that right? There will always be ups and downs in our lives but we've dealt with an undead persistent son of a b1tch before twice!! We're not dead yet and I know myself that I will not stop fighting until my dying death- if that be today or tomorrow or twenty years from now I will fight until its my time. I've done it before but was brought back because it wasn't my time yet and it isn't Ardeth's or Rick's today either. We're stronger than we give ourselves credit for - Jonathan you are braver than you know I've seen it we all have, Alex you're smart as hell...I mean I wouldn't have known to leave clues if I was kidnapped at 8 years old," I shake my head slightly, "Evie you are smart kind and above all else you boost us all up and give us a reason to keep hope... you do not pressure us or anything... you guide us and keep us believing in the impossible.. you also get us into trouble quite often but we can gloss over that fact, Rick you are reckless and will do anything to protect the ones you love or even strangers... you barely knew us when we first came face to face with Imhotep but you still fought to protect us and put yourself in extremely dangerous situations to save us. Heh and Ardeth...Ardeth he's the light of my life and not once has he blamed anyone when something went wrong... when I ran away from my troubles to 'keep him safe', he searched for me and when he found me and I said things things I didn't mean he didn't give up he stood by my side until I was ready again."

I sigh running my hands through my hair, "What I'm trying to say is together we can do this and minimize causalities. We can stop this mummy and the Chinese army following him too if we stand tall and don't give into fear into doubt and into chaos. Will you stand with me?" 

"You forgot one thing." Comes Rick's hoarse voice, I look down at him confused. "You forgot yourself... you forgot that you are one of the most selfless people we've ever met. You stood by your sister after she raised Imhotep, you stood with us when we were attacked in our own home, you went to the ends of the earth with us to find my son and died getting him to safety and when you came back you didn't blame us, you didn't blame anyone. When you lost your child you left Ardeth to keep your past from coming back and hurting him next time and here you are not giving up hope when you've seen what we're up against instead you are building us up and not admitting defeat or being bitter; like we would be if someone we loved as much as you loved Ardeth lay there. You're blaming yourself like you always do because you expect more of yourself than is possible and it's because of that fault that you are who you are and why you strive to do anything in your will to help your family and anyone else! You're so much more than you give yourself credit for."

I look around at my family seeing tears in their eyes much like there are in my own, I nod and laugh slightly, "yeah I guess I'll have to work on that."

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