The Beginning of us

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*Jessie POV*

I was just minding my own business in the park where I lived, in a tree, but it was a nice tree that I made a house in out of sticks and such. You may be wondering, WHY do I live in a tree?? Well, I never met my parents and I lost my sister a year ago, all I remember about her is that, she was named lily, she was tall and blonde, and she had 2 friends. I barely remember her friends names, but I remember there was a boy and a girl, the girl was weird, and lived in a mansion in the woods, but I never saw it. The boy was a meifwa like me, and he lived in this town, I only know he lived in a house. Well, back to my story. I was in my tree when I saw someone, they were shouting something, I just watched as they called out two farmiliar names, "Phoebe, Lily!!!" Shouted the voice. It was a boy's voice, and the boy sounded worried, just then two girls ran out of the woods laughing. The boy shouted their names again and the two laughing girls ran to him.
"Oh my god laurence you missed it" Exclaimed a blonde girl with purple highlights "phoebe fell on her face like a total doofus"
"I did not!" Shouted the other girl, with dyed blonde hair. I strongly remembered these girl, like I'd met them before. So when they weren't looking, after I made sure I looked somewhat human, and not like Tarzan, I leaped out of the tree and ran into the woods, I then pretended I was sad, and walked over to a flower bush near them, and placed a rock I had painted with lilys name on it. I had a feeling the kids saw me, cuz they gestured over to me.

*lilys POV*

I was talking with Phoebe and Laurence, when I saw a strangely farmiliar girl walk by, with a rock, and she placed it at a flower bush. I quietly got laurence and phoebe's attention, and gestured over to the strange girl. Laurence said we should go over to her, so we did.

*laurence POV*

Lily said there was a strangely farmiliar girl over ta the flowers, and I somehow recognized her too, she looked sad though. I hated when people were sad, so I brought phoebe and lily over to her.
"Hello" I said, and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes, and almost instantly, it hit me, it was her, or at least I thought it was her.

*flashback to one year ago*

*still laurence POV*
I was walking in the woods with lily, phoebe, and Lily's little sister Jessie, we walked along a strange path, when we saw a fox, Jessie thought it was a rabbit since she was only 9, and chased after it. And since Jessie was a meifwa, she was really fast, and we lost her in a dark part of the woods. We called for her, and phoebe even took her friends Jeff and Slender and looked in the woods for Jessie when it became dark, but no one found her, and lily was heartbroken. Everyday she told herself it was her fault, and for a whole month, we didn't see lily at all, until she finally calmed down and let us see her. When I saw her she had cuts on her arms, and legs, and a knife in her room, it broke my heart seeing her this way, but that was the time, we lost an angel.

*out of flashback and lily POV now*

I looked at the girl, just then, laurence came over to me and whispered in my ear "Its her, it's Jessie, look at her, she looks like jess." At that moment I realized, I was comforting my lost little sister. I was overjoyed, but I didn't know if it was really her still, so I asked her what was painted on the rock. And you won't believe what she said
"Its a memorial for my sister Lily, I lost her a year ago, and I put this here, in case she comes back one day." She said
"Umm darling" I said calmly "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"
"M-my name... is... Jessie, why do you ask?" The scared girl asked
My eyes filled with tears as I said "B-because my name... is lily." As I said that, laur came and put his arm around me for comfort, and the girl smiled and finally said "Sister?"

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