Chapter 4: Laurence's house

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*time skip to 1 week later*

*lilys POV*

As slight recap of the week, well, Jessie is over her concussion luckily, uhhhh, Well, Colby spent the whole week talking to her in her room, Prince is mad at Colby now, I texted phoebe so she's coming in an hour, she says the rug rats need auntie phoebe time, whatever that means, I don't think she's even their aunt but whatever. I think I'm gonna go see laurence until phoebe gets here.
"Colby, Jessie, Prince, wanna come to laurence's house with me?!" I shouted upstairs, just then I hear footsteps and then 3 little 11 year olds racing down the stairs and out the door. Luckily Laurence lives next door so I head over to see Caz standing by the door.
"Did the kids come here?" I say out of breath to Caz
"Upstairs with Laur." She says rolling her eyes "little rascals made a ton of noise."
"Sorry about that." I say hopefully
"Oh its no problem" she says laughing "now go get your monsters before they kill my brother" I head upstairs and look down the hall, I see a room with a sign that reads "Laurence's Room DO Not Enter" I knock on the door and say "laur! It's me lily, Caz said the kids are up here" Then I hear a noise and the door opens and you see laurence standing there with Jessie holding on to his back, Prince jumping on his bed, and Colby trying to get Jessie down by pulling her hair.
"Yeah I got them." Laur says annoyed
"COLBY STOP IT WITH MY HAIR!!" Jessie shouts as she kicks Colby in the stomach, still clinging onto laurence's back. Colby falls over in pain as Prince walks over to him.
"Dude! You just got beat up by a girl!" Says Prince laughing as Colby lay on the ground holding his stomach.
"Ok guys, that's enough, Jessie, get off Laur's back, Prince, stop teasing Colby, and Colby, are you ok?" I say. I look over and Colby raises his hand as a thumbs up and then it falls back down again.

*Jessie POV*

I decide that since Colby was discouraged about being beat up by me, I crawl over to him and hover over him
"Hey Prince Charming, you dead yet?" I say laughing
He crosses his arms and gets up "I can't get killed by a girl!"
"You haven't met Auntie phoebe have you?" I say in disbelief that he says a girl can't kill him,seeing as how I did it easily
"Nope!" He says calmly, getting back onto his feet. Just then I hear something outside.
"Auntie Phoebe is here!!" I shout grabbing Colby's hand and pulling him outside with Prince running close behind.

To be continued...

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