Chapter 1: thoughts

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*Colby POV*

Jessie's sister agreed to take us in to live with her, she got money from her best friends apparently, and they are gonna help take care of us. Jessie really wanted us to stay with her, I like that. She's real sweet, but stupid Prince is being a pain about the whole thing between me and Jess. It's just one of those simple fairy tales, I saved her, she is grateful. She might have feelings for me but I'm not sure. She's really pretty when she sleeps though, from that October night. All I remember about meeting her was, I was running from the orphanage, I ran into the woods, I heard a girl crying so I ran until it was louder. That's when I saw Jessie, sitting there, crying, helpless. She looked hurt, I saw scratches on her legs so I picked her up and carried her to to nearby cave, where we slept through the night. That night, I sat down and she fell straight asleep, her head in my lap. In the middle of the night she had a nightmare. She explained to me that it was about her sister. She also explained what had happened that day and why she was crying. By the end of the story she was in tears. I calmed her and she fell asleep again, and we have lived together in the woods ever since. It's gonna be odd going back to a real home, but Jessie is there. There's nothing to fear.

*Elijah's POV*

I think Colby likes Jess. Jess is my best friend, but so is Colby. I don't want them together but I can tell it's coming. But, we're only 11, luckily, but since those two are in a house together now, they won't be separated. So they have a good chance of getting together in the future.

*time skip to after adoption*

*Jessie's POV*

Finally!! The boys are in our weird little family, they're pretty much my brothers, sorta, well, not really, since lily adopted them, so, they technically aren't related to me, or are they, because if they are, then I can't be with Colby. This whole thing is confusing. I'm pretty sure lily didn't legally adopt them, she just got permission to let them live with us. But I don't understand this whole situation. Whatever. This is my dream come true, for all those years of living with them, I always wanted lily to come back, then I live with the boys! This is the best day of my life!! To make it even better, I'm just gonna listen to music in my old room, which was strangely transformed into phoebes room, but I don't care *puts on headphone and listens to favorite song (song above)

*Lily's POV*

Finally got the boys, now I have to drop out of school to take care of em. This is gonna be hard work though. Raising 2 boys and a girl when I'm only 15 ugh, this is gonna be hard work. Luckily I have phoebe and laurence to help me. Laurence will help with the boys. Phoebe will help make them tough seeing as how I don't trust her with Jess, and I'll take care of them when laurence and phoebe aren't here. *looks at sky* wish me luck mom and dad, Jessie is safe, I have two new kids. I hope you guys enjoy heaven *starts to tear up* love you mom and dad

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