Chapter 9: Jessie's new obsession

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*lilys POV*

Well, this week, laurence decided to give the kids a TV in their room. That ended badly. I didn't hear from the kids for about 3 hours until I finally saw Jessie chasing Prince down the stairs and outside. I figured maybe they needed sun. Then I looked out the window to see Jessie making something out of wood and rubber bands. Not long after I heard Prince yelling in pain. I look out the window and see he now has bruise on his head. "Colby!!!" I shout upstairs
He appears at the top of the stairs "What's up?"
"What did you watch with Jessie??" I say worried looking out the window
"Oh, we just watched Hunger Games. It was cool." He says smiling and laughing "she really seemed to like the weapons"
"Look outside" I say annoyed as he walks to the window. As soon as he looks out he runs outside and starts yelling at Jessie.

*Colby's POV*

Lily told me to look outside. I look out and see Jessie throwing rocks at Elijah with a slingshot. I run outside immediately. "Jess what are you doing!?!" I shout
"Not shooting Prince" she says hiding the sling shot behind her back as Prince runs and hides behind me.
"Jessie?!" I yell at her knowing she shot him in the head with a rock.
"I said I didn't do it!!!" She demands
"BUT I KNOW YOU DID!!!" I shout at her
"No... I... DIDNT..." She says throwing a rock at me. I didn't dodge in time, just then I felt something hit my head, and then everything went black.

*Jessie's POV*

I threw a rock at Colby because he wouldn't stop yelling. I didn't mean to throw it hard but I did. It hit him in the head and knocked him out. I was so scared that I'd permanently hurt him. I screamed his name but he didn't wake up. I felt tears fill my eyes. Just then lily came running out.
"What happened?!!" She screamed.
"I threw a rock at the ground at I accidentally threw it wrong and it went flying at Colby's head and then he fell down and he won't get back up..."I said hesitating
"WHAT?!?" She shouted as she picked him up and carried him upstairs. She placed him in his bed. I did what he did for me. I sat right next to his bed and talked to him. Even if he couldn't hear me, that's what he did for me.
"I'm so sorry" I said to him "this is all my stupid fault. I'm so sorry, and yes, I admit, I love you too, I can't have you dead, so please, just please, wake up... I need you" No response. I was terrified. I hoped he was ok...

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