Chapter 13: double surprise

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*Jessie POV*

In the middle of the night, I told Colby I was hungry. He said it was my fault, but he still got me food. I was grateful for him watching us, putting me in charge, and getting food, saving out lives, so I decided, I'd make him breakfast. I knew he wouldn't like it so at 7 in the morning, I woke up lily.
"Lily" I whispered, poking her in the face "lily, get up!"
She sat up and looked at me annoyed "what do you want Jess, it's 7 am."
"Help, that's what I want. Meet me downstairs in 5 minutes." I said quietly so I didn't wake the boys. I walked downstairs quickly and quietly.
About 3 minutes later, I saw lily walking down the stairs, in slippers, and pajamas. "Well since you're still in pajamas, put this on." I said handing her an apron
"What's this all for Jess!!" She demanded
"Shhhhh, it's for Colby, if it wasn't for him I'd probably not even be alive remmeber? Should I get Prince?" I said quietly
"Yes, go ahead, I guess I'll get the food out." She said.
I tip-toed up the stairs and into our room, I made sure to be quiet, as I tapped on Prince's shoulder. "Prince, wake up"
"What's happening" He said sounding quite alarmed
"Shhhhh, come with me" I said grabbing his hand and bringing him into the hall
"BUT what about..." He said confused
"I'll explain after." I said pulling him into the kitchen. "So, you know how Colby pretty much saved our lives, well, I wanted to repay him. And I can't cook so that's why you 2 are here, to help me."I smiled excitedly. After about an hour, we finally finished cooking.

*lily POV*

We finally finished cooking and Jess went and woke up Colby, he came downstairs quite annoyed, but thrilled when he saw the food.
"Oh my god" He said looking at this but then backed away a bit "Jess didn't make it did she, cuz if she did, it's probably got bugs and pizza in it."
"She did cook it, but there's no bugs or pizza." I said laughing as we sat down. As soon as I sat down, I heard the phone ring, "Ugh I got it" I got up and answered the phone. "Hello?"

To be continued...

True Adventure (A Best Friends/romance Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora