Meeting the other two

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*Jessie POV*

I was so shocked that I had finally found lily, all I could say was "Sister?" I could tell lily was happy to see me alive, the boy I didn't remember was shocked, and the mysterious girl was shocked too.
Finally lily said, "Do you remember these two?" As she gestured to the boy and the girl.
"No, not much, sorry guys" I frown, to be honest, I don't remember much. Except for my tribe.
"Your TRIBE?!?!" exclaims the girl "I know I don't have a tribe, I have a killer family though, well, we're sorta a family"
"I'll explain more later, but, first things first, tell me who your friends/family are, and I'll bring you to my new family." I say with dignity
"NEW family???" Lily exclaims
"Yes, the Forgottens, aka, the children who 'went missing' which didn't go missing, they ran away, and we found them, and took them in, but, I was a lost one, and this one runaway found me, and made sure I was ok, and then we found the other runaways, and formed our tribe. But first, PLEASE tell me who these two people are."
"Hello Jessie, I'm Laurence, I don't know if you remember me, but I've known you since you were born, seeing as how I've known lily since we were only 4 years old."said the boy called Laurence
"Sup kid, the names Phoebe " said the girl leaning against a tree "and I live in a big mansion with slender man, Jeff, Ben and the other proxies. I'm only dangerous if you hut me, or the people I care about. But, I've known you a while kid, your quite the trouble maker I must say"
"Ok, now you know who we are, now, tell us where you're so called 'family' is." Says lily skeptically
"Ok, ok" I say "follow me" As I lead them into the woods.

To be continued...

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