Chapter 7: Jessie's Nightmare

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*In Jessie's dream, Jessie POV*

    I wake up and I'm strapped to a chair. I look up and see a dark figure.
    "Hello my kitty" the dark figure says in a deep voice "I see you're scared" you feel a sharp blade run against your tail, drawing some blood. "Its ok, I won't hurt you much."
     I look around to see if I can find lily, Colby, or Prince, but I can't find them anywhere. "What have you done with my family?!" I shout at him, tears in my eyes
     "Your family? They abandoned you, admitted that they hated you this whole time"
     I feel tears run down my face "b-but, Colby would never hate me, I know that for sure"
     "No hun, you dont, and do you know what happens to kitties that no one wants?" He says deeply "THEY DIE!!" He shouts pulling a lever in which you fall and as soon as you hit the ground you wake up

*out of Jessie's dream but still Jessie POV*

     I was so scared, I rubbed my eyes and felt tears in my eyes, that when I realized it wasn't real, it was just a nightmare, but I climbed down my hammock and did what I always had done when I had a nightmare, I walked over and repetitively poked Colby until he woke up "what do ya want Jess?" He said sleepily
    "I-i had another nightmare, t-that you guys didn't love me anymore, and I was alone with a masked man, and H-he killed me" I said hiccuping from crying
    "Ohhh, ok," He said frowning "come on, you know you're favorite spot haha" back when I lived in the woods with Colby, when I had a nightmare, I'd curl up at his feet from being scared, he always stroked my hair until I fell asleep, then carried me to a sleeping bag he always kept with him for nights like these, he'd lay it out next to his bed and lay me down there. He was really nice to me, but I was never nice to him. I frowned thinking about it, and realized, that he had done so much for me, but I never do anything for him. I'm always so mean to him. It broke my heart realizing how cruel I was, so I decided that from now on, I'll be nice to him. Once he thought I was asleep and he was getting back in bed, I whispered the words "thank you" in my sleep.

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